I reminded them of that first day... of me asking them how many were a bit nervous, and most people raising their hand.
It's been quite a year... exciting, fun, and definitely tragic. Room 8ers, I know, will never forget their 4th grade year. I hope they'll remember the fun times... I know they have grown and learned so much, more than a textbook could teach. This class has, in addition to academics, learned compassion. As much as I wish with all my heart tragedy had not struck Room 8, I hope that Room 8 will grow from this...that they will love and appreciate their family and friends more than they would have otherwise.
So I leave this 2008-2009 school year with a few snapshots taken the last few days of school...
Ms. H
So Room 8, I hope you enjoy your summer vacation. I will try to post more photos later...I have ones Ms. H sent me of the marble machines and crazy hair day. So...check back...and remember to come by and say hi next year!