This is the "Hazard House"...

and it was set up in Room 8 on Tuesday by...

Sean... Kaylin's dad. Room 8 was SO EXCITED that he was coming to talk to us about fire prevention/fire safety.

Sean told us the Hazard House showed us examples of hazards we might have in our own homes. Our goal is to fix them...so they're not hazards anymore.

He went room by room and asked Room 8 what hazards they saw.

He showed us a fire extinguisher and talked about some of the best places to keep one.

Kaylee thought she spotted a hazard, so she came up to fix it. Unfortunately, she got buzzed by the 'hot wire'....not a real hot wire, but one that made you jump a little. Most of Room 8 knew it was coming, seeing as they know Sean and had seen the Hazard House before.

David spotted the next hazard. Room 8 was telling him to 'WATCH OUT, DAVID'.... and as you can see on David's face, he was enjoying himself....and at the same time, he was learning.

Sean explained to Room 8, that in the case of a kitchen grease fire, you should never put water on it to put it out. That could make it explode, make the fire jump around and spread even quicker. The best thing to do, is put the lid on the pan to smother the fire.
Actually, the first choice is the fire extinguisher...
the second choice is to put the lid on...
and the third choice is to call 911 from a neighbor's house.

Sean told us that every 20-30 seconds, a fire doubles....

We had a mock fire going on in the Hazard House...see the smoke? He gave some Room 8ers some mini fire alarms and asked them where the best places to put them would be.

They knew...

Can you see that man that has fallen asleep in his chair? Well, unfortunately, he was also smoking a cigarette when he fell asleep...not a good choice!

Matt and Gary were there agreeing with Sean...

Uh-oh... I wish that man would wake up... see the smoke starting to rise?

This man has woken up... and how he's getting down, getting low, and hopefully, getting out!

Remember: Get down, get low, get out!

Sean told us that when firefighters go into a fire, smoke can be so thick, they can't see their hand in front of their face. These firefighter jackets are protection for them. Yeah, they're hot, but much cooler than a fire.
Besides fire, Sean talked to us about carbon monoxide poisoning...how dangerous it also is.
Fire safety... fire protection...
Thank you, Sean, for reminding all of us in Room 8 about these important points! I don't think we can hear it too many times!
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