Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meet Blaine!

Meet Blaine!
He started his bag with this book...
his favorite book.  He told us he loves Minecraft!
This bag of Sour Patch kids was next.  He told us it was his 2nd favorite candy.
I wanted to know what his favorite candy was...
This is Enderman...
Blaine's 2nd favorite character in Minecraft.
He told us Enderman's head can come off.
I didn't ask what his favorite character is.
Blaine shared some photos.
This is his parent... :)
This is Blaine riding Clinton's mom's horse...
This picture was a hit!
It looks like he's holding the GoodYear blimp in his hand.
Some questions from Room 17 were asking if it was a real blimp..."Yes"
Here he is holding a baby chick.
They used to have rabbits, but they got rid of them.
Last, but not least, Blaine showed us a picture of him with his new longboard.  He crashed on it.
I was curious what the difference was between a longboard and a regular skateboard.  The first answer was, that it was longer.  (I figured that!)  Blaine said you can do more things on it.  Blaine has a regular skateboard, too.

We enjoyed learning more about you, Blaine!
(I wonder if Brooke learned anything new????)

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