Saturday, September 19, 2015

Meet Jesse!

Meet Jesse!
Jesse is new to our school this year...
we are so glad he came to Room 17!
 He started his bag with this pencil,
telling us he likes to write.
 He even ha a story he wrote to show us!
 This is a photo of Jesse and his dad.  It was taken when Jesse first started playing baseball.
 This is a ticket to a SF Giants game!
 He and his family all went to watch it.
 This is Jesse and his older sister.
She's 24 years old and is a teacher's aide at another elementary school in our district.
(Room 17 reminded me I couldn't write the name of the school on the blog!)
 He showed us this heart rock and told us that he and his parents collect them.
They love to go to the beach.
 This lego was in his bag because...
he loves to play legos!
 Jesse showed us his earbuds, telling us he likes to listen to music.
 Jesse likes chewing gum.  This is actually his favorite kind!
The last thing in his bag was this Minecraft game!
He, like so many of Room 17, like to play!

Jesse, we're so glad you're at our school...
and we loved getting to know you more!

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