Thursday, September 03, 2015

Meet Heavenlee!

Meet Heavenlee!
Today was actually not the day for her bag, but since she had it with her, and Omar didn't bring his bag, Heavenlee wanted to go ahead and share.  
She started with this book on rocks and minerals.
She told us she reads it all the time because she wants to learn all about it.
She has an amethyst!
It was time for a commercial break while Heavenlee went to look for her amethyst in her backpack. 
It wasn't there.
This green and blue frog is from an Arts and Crafts fair.  
She doesn't really play with this frog.  She just keeps it by her mom's TV. 
Heavenlee likes frogs!
Next was a purple frog... they're 'just alike'!
She got both of them in 1st grade.
Whoa!  Out came a HUGE frog!  
This is one Heavenlee does play with!  
Can you tell Heavenlee likes frogs?
Yeah!  As Heavenlee was reaching into her bag...
there was her amethyst!
She told us it's not like any ordinary rock...
it's an amethyst!
She gave it a name...and named it "Wishes."
Last but not least, Heavenlee pulled this out of her bag.
We had no idea what it was...
She told us she loves dark chocolate..
and this was a dark chocolate ball...and "it's not even rotten"!

We're so glad you had your bag at school before your assigned date!
It was fun to learn about some of the things you love!

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