Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meet Sean!

Meet Sean!
He started his bag with these headphones.
He loves using them with his little sister's microphone. 
He told us he likes using the headphones more than earbuds because he has tubes in his ears.  
That started a discussion in Room 17!  Sean found out he's not the only ones with tubes in his ears!
We asked Sean to model them for us.
Sean then had a collage of photos to share with us.  They were from when he was smaller.
This first one had a sign that said "Do Not Feed Sharks."
His dad put his (Sean's) arm in the mouth like he was feeding it.

There was another of Sean on a little motorcycle.
He's not sure where that was taken.

The last one (on the right) was a small shark.  Sean told us he tried to pet it, 
but the shark wouldn't let him.
This is a PSP.  Sean loooovvvves  his PSP.
This is actually his 3rd one.  He got it from a pawn shop.
His 2nd one, which he also got at a pawn shop, well, the battery kept coming out on that one. 
He told us he likes to play the game 'Kill Zone Liberation."
He asked me if I wanted to take a picture of the disc.  I did.
He said he finished that game but it was 'very, very hard.'
Call of Duty, an X-Box game was next.  
He said he finished it and played it a lot.
He told us he plays X-Box more than PSP.  
This game, he got from his grandparents.  He got it instead of getting Batman.  Batman was $39 and Call of Duty was less, so that's the one he got.
Sean pulled this leather case out of his bag.  
He asked Room 17 if anyone knew what it was.
He took this metal thing out...
still having us guess what it was.  Finally, Lala guessed a compass.
"YES! But...what kind?" he asked.

There were lots of different ideas...
Someone said it was from a war.
"YES! But which one?" Sean asked.
"World War III" someone said...
and then there was a chorus of voices saying there never had been WWIII.
Someone quickly said, World War II.
"YES!" he answered.

He tried to open the compass, but was having a bit of difficulty.
He asked if anyone could get this open.
As you can see, Chloe and Cole both jumped to the challenge.

They couldn't get it open.
Room 17 knew Mrs. Johnston could open it..
I tried...but I couldn't get it open either.
So, Sean told us it had a crack cause it was very, very old.
His grandpa got it, but he died in the 2000's.  Sean was alive and in Redding then.

Sean pulled this out of his bag and said, 
"You might know why I have cat food."
Then he told us he has 2 cats:  Casper, who is white, and Lucius, who is all black.
His mom named Casper.  Lucius is his big sister's cat.  He jumps on her whenever she's doing homework. 
He showed us this picture and told us it was his little sister as a baby.
Now she's 8 years old, he told us, and in the 3rd grade.
"Pretty cute," he said as he was putting the picture away.
Sean held this up, and some Room 17ers knew instantly it was a lego piece.
He said it was from a Halo set.
Sean told us that mostly he doesn't put the lego kits together, he just scatters them around his room.  Then he just takes pieces, puts them together, and builds stuff.

WOW!  Sean, we absolutely loved hearing all the stories that went with the items in your bag.  We learned so much about you!

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