Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Meet Natalyia!

Meet Natalyia!
Natalyia started her bag with this softball.
She told us she loves softball!
Next was this lego piece.
This reminds her of her brother because he loves legos.

I thought it was Darth Vadar, but Room 17 was explaining who it was...
which I can't remember.
But not Darth Vadar!
This craft was made with beads.  Natalyia said the beads go on this
metal that can bend.  She made a lizard!
These are all key rings!  She collects them.  This orange and black one is for the Giants!
Natalyia made this one.
This is a bracelet with a little silver heart on it.  It belongs to Natalyia.  Her mom has one just like it but it's blue.  It has BFF on the heart! 
Natalyia's cousin likes to do art.  He creates and sells it at our local university.
These rubber bands are in the shapes of bugs.
Natalyia also collects them.
These nesting dolls were a big hit.  
Natalyia showed us how you can open one...and there's another one inside.
This pink purse represents her grandma who she calls Nana.
Natalyia said she thought Nana was one of many Mexican names for grandma.
(There was some discussion about this!)
Anyway, her Nana made this beautiful purse!
These are two stuffies.  Natalyia's mom says these look like Natalyia and her
brother...because they're both monkeys!
Going to the beach is something she likes to do.  One of the two shells she brought is really thick.
She's not sure exactly what it is.
This book was in her bag because she loves puppies.
She actually finished reading this book in 2nd grade.
Natalyia shared her trophy from cheerleading. 
She said she did it with Chloe.
A marble was in her bag.
She told us she likes to play with marbles and
she's got tons of them in a jar!
Natalyia showed us this picture of her parents on their first date!
This picture was when Natalyia was 1 year old.  
She told us this was the day after her mom and dad got married.
This last picture was when Natalyia was 3 or 4 years old.  
She told us this was taken in their old old apartment!

Natalyia, we learned so much about you today!

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