Friday, September 11, 2015

Meet Jack!

 Jack...He started his bag with this set of drumsticks.  He told us he likes to play drums sometimes.  He has a small set of drums that he got when he was 5 years old.
 This MP3 player plays music
and he likes to listen to music a lot!
 These are "2 old school games".
Jack told us he likes to play old NES games like his dad used to play.
 This is lego boat.  It's in Jack's bag because he likes to build with legos!
 Now most of us didn't know what this was.  It's a slide and a k-po.  (I don't know if this is spelled correctly)  They are for a guitar.  The k-po clamps around the neck of the guitar.  The slide...well, Jack, you'll have to explain the slide.

 This is one of Jack's mom's old cell phones.  He said it doesn't have any service but he likes to play on it.
Jack told us the last thing in his bag was...
an X-Box game of Minecraft.
I asked him why he had it in his bag..
"Every kid plays Minecraft," he answered.

Now we know more about Jack!  We enjoyed your bag!

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