Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Meet Cole!

 Meet Cole!
 Cole's bag kept a lot of Room 17 wondering...
we could see the antlers sticking out
but the skull part was IN his bag.
He explained that this was a deer head and antlers.
It's called a Mexican Mount.
Here's how it works:  You dig a hole in the ground and put the head in the hole and cover it with dirt.
Then you wait a couple of years.
All the fur, brains, all of it is eaten away by bacteria or worms or something in the ground.  
When you take it out after two years, you put it in bleach
and it comes out like this...all white.
 Cole pointed out how you can see the eye sockets...
 and where the brain was.
Some Room 17ers commented on how small the deer brain must be!
Cole told us that he and his dad go hunting together.
 This is a SF Giants cap.
See the writing on the bill?
It's 2 autographs:  one from Buster Posey and one from Hunter Pence!
He put it up on the ELMO so we cold see the autographs better.
 Next was this rock.
Cole told us he thinks it's amber.  
He collects rocks.

 This next thing is used to hook fish.
Cole told us it's called a "KWIK Fish" and for Cole,
it's his lucky lure!
It's in his bag because he loves to fish.
He saw it hanging on a tree so he cut it off...and now it's his lucky lure!
Usually, he said, you wrap some tuna meat on it to get the fish to bite.
 This is a lego.
Cole likes to build military lego things. 
 He said all his little sets get broken up, but that's OK
because then he just customizes what he builds.
 Oh my gosh!
Cole put these cards on the ELMO and said they were all EX and Mega cards.
Many Room 17ers were going crazy with excitement.  
Lots of hands went up for questions...
I told them to let Cole finish sharing before he answered questions.
 He said this was one of his favorite packs of Pokemon cards.
 This yellow card is his favorite..
(I can't remember why.)
Last but not least, Cole shared this football card.
It's John Elway, who he said was the best quarterback.
Elway played for the Denver Broncos who is his favorite team.

Wow, Cole, we enjoyed hearing all about you!
We agreed that Cole seems to love sports!

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