Thursday, September 03, 2015

Meet Chloe!

 Meet Chloe!
This SF Giants jersey was the first thing Chloe shared from her bag.  She told us the Giants are her favorite team...and as she turned the jersey around, she told us it was the number of her favorite player!
 This trophy was given to Chloe for a football cheerleading competition.  This was from 2012.  She's actually been a cheerleader for 3 years.
 This little stuffed animal - a brown lab - was in Chloe's bag because brown labs are her favorite dogs.  She's not sure if this stuffed animal is a dog or a puppy.
 This blue Crayola marker was in her bag because she likes to color.
 You may not be able to tell that this is an Altoids can.  I asked Chloe if she liked Altoids, but she said no, they were gross!  She told us her mom was 'obsessed' with Altoids, but Chloe just keeps her jewelry in the cans.
 The daisy is her favorite flower.  Chloe brought this flower because it "kind of looks like a daisy."

Shells were in her bag because she loves to go to the beach.
There was also a little fish...and that illustrated that she loves fish...and loves TO fish!
Last but not least, there was a baseball in her bag.  
Chloe told us she has played for 2 years.

How fun it was to learn more about Chloe!  She was also our first student to share her bag!  
Way to go, Chloe!

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