Thursday, October 26, 2006

Meet Garrett

We're in Red Ribbon Week and every student received a red wristband. Garrett asked if he could bring all his wristbands...well, I think he has about 30. We were impressed. He told us about every single one of them!

Garrett is an encourager! I can't remember a single time when he hasn't been positive and ready to help anyone who needs it. Today, we were working on a rock review. I noticed he was turned around in his chair, so I asked him what he was doing. He told me he was helping Mariah understand one of the questions and explaining to her how to interpret that pumice was an extrusive rock. The Encourager!

In the mornings, we run. It's amazing how much so many of the students have improved. We have one Room 8'er who has a difficult time. Probably about a month ago, she was far behind...Garrett was already finished. He asked me if he could run again and run with Ashley. I said OF COURSE! So here goes Garrett...sometimes he trots alongside her...sometimes he will stay behind, tell her to get a little ahead of him, and then when he sprints, for her to try to stay ahead of him. She definitely does better with Garrett encouraging her. I love to watch him. His heart is so big...

Garrett loves sports! He also loves math and is what I would call a math-whiz. Last year in 3rd grade, Mrs. Henry would send him to me so I could see some of the math he was able to do. Garrett also has an awesome brother - Andrew. What a wonderful pair of guys...and I've been fortunate enough to have them both.

Buddies and Bus Safety

Our buddies came today. They brought a little book for us to help them read...and then each Room 8'er had picked out a picture book to read to their buddy. It was a beautiful day so we were able to sit on carpet squares outside in the sunshine. After we finished the books, we took our little buddies to the 'big kids playground' and played on the 'big kids equipment.'

This year, there are two Room 8'ers who have a sibling in our first grade buddies class. Matthew has his sister...Katherine - and Ashley has her sister, Jewele. How fun is that! The top photo is Matthew with his sister. The second one is Ashley and Jewele.

Now, the bars became a big hit with the guys. Kade was perfecting the one leg hang... and Nate, well, he was perfecting falling off.

We also had our annual Bus Safety Drill. We get on the bus and listen to the driver (for us today, we were on Bus 4 with Michelle) tell us all about the safety rules. Then we practice jumping off the bus, like we would do in case of an emergency. Jumping off a bus is pretty exciting! Although, you don't want to really have to do that!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A Party for Room 8

Bailee and Sydney's moms are organizing a Halloween party for Room 8. THANK YOU!!! Some of you had written on the yellow paper at Back-to-School night that you would help with parties. I have given your names to Diana and Rachel. However, if you're not sure if you signed up...or if you just want to make sure to be included...send a note or contact one of them (or me...actually, you could just write in the comments section and Rachel and Diana will see it. Please don't put your last name...just write your first name or something like 'Judy's mom.'!) I'm not sure what all they need, but I do know they've already bought a lot. So even if you can't come in and help, some of you had written that you could help with some of the supplies.

As we say in Room 8 - We work hard...but we sure like to have fun!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Lindsey's birthday...and Adam's adventure

Happy Birthday to Lindsey! We haven't had a birthday in a while. We have to look for grey hairs...and since we found NONE in Lindsey, we looked for wrinkles. Nope, nothing there either. Lindsey must not be too old. Gina, Lindsey's mom, brought cupcakes...delicious cupcakes to Room 8, in honor of her birthday. Actually, they were made by her dad!

Adam had a great weekend. He and his dad went on a trip this past weekend and Adam brought a couple of things to share. One place he went was to Alcatraz...where he bought a baseball cap. He and his dad also biked across the Golden Gate Bridge! This led to an interesting discussion among Room 8'ers of why the Golden Gate had that name! Adam brought a model of the bridge to share with us. It definitely sounds like a fun weekend...just the guys.

In math, today we started double digit multiplication! Room 8 really enjoyed this! There wasn't a math paper to finish tonight...nor will there be tomorrow night. We're just practicing and practicing the skill of multiplying.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Regions brochures and P.E. with Ms. van Ark

Three days without the wonderful people who live in Room 8 is hard on ole Mrs. Johnston! I've been missing all of you...but have felt confident that you were in good hands with Ms. van Ark.

We've been studying about the four regions in California - coast, mountains, desert, and Central Valley. Ms. van Ark taught Room 8 about taking notes on the regions and then gave a lesson on making a travel brochure! Each student got to pick whichregion they wanted, and then using their notes and textbook, they are creating a brochure. From these photos, they are turning out great!

It looks to me like PE was a challenge! I'm thinking the goal was to pass a hula hoop around the circle without letting go of hands???

Tomorrow is Friday...and oh boy...I get to come back to Room 8!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Day with Ms. van Ark

Today Ms. van Ark taught the whole day. From what I've heard, it was a great day! I had a doctor appointment today to have a place cut out of my back. I actually had it cut out in July and when the report came back, the doctor said they needed to cut deeper. So that's where I was it HURTS! I'm not sure how many stitches...but it's sore. Unfortunately for me, I cannot do anything for 48 hours. That means I for sure won't be at school tomorrow - Wednesday - and I'm actually not suppose to come on Thursday either..but I'm going to wait and see how I feel tomorrow. I don't want Room 8 to worry...I'm fine.

Ms. van Ark sent me some photos through email so I could update the blog. THANK YOU, MS. VAN ARK!!!

Room 8 did Scholastic News today...and it looks like working in pairs went well!
Look carefully at this picture. See the football? Kade + football...they're always together!

For P.E., Ms. van Ark taught a new bowling! I need to learn how to do this.

I hope you have another fun day tomorrow, Room 8. I miss you!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fire Safety

Today Room 8 joined Room 6 outside to watch a demonstration of the use of fire extinguishers...and to learn about fire safety. I learned something...I did not know there were multiple types of fire extinguishers! Now I know!

Fireman Shawn told us about the 3 types of extinguishers they had there. One type is used to put out fires that cause ash...paper, wood, etc. It has water in it! This is NOT to be used for a gasoline fire. They lit a fire using fuel...and then sprayed water on it. Oh my gosh, the fire got so much larger! There is one extinguisher that is used for any type of fire. That is what this photo of the extinguisher is. I don't know if you can see the pictures on the label that show the different fires it can extinguish.

To use an extinguisher, remember PASS - Pull the pin....Aim....Squeeze....Sweep. He told us it's important to aim at the BASE of the fire.

We also learned the difference between fire trucks. There's the ladder has ladders! The rescue has rescue equipment....the trucks are named according to the job they do. The engines are numbered...we had Engine 5 come visit...and the person who drives the engine - well, that's the engineer!

We learned a lot from our valuable firemen today! Thank you for coming to our school!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Scholastic News

Scholastic News is a weekly magazine I subscribe to for Room 8. Each student gets their own copy. Many of them like to punch holes (3 hole punch) when we finish reading it and keep them in their binders. I think that's a great idea. At the end of the school year, they'll have a record of all the news that happened during their fourth grade year.

Usually we have some comprehension questions to answer from the stories. Prior to today, we would read the stories together and discuss them. Sometimes we would read the questions before we read the story, and then I'd have students raise their hands when they heard the answer to a question. It's a new skill in 4th grade to be reading for information.

Today, Room 8 worked in partners and read the magazine AND answered the questions together. Some of them finished...some didn't. After today it became homework...although it's not due until Thursday.
Conall and Nikkiah are excited about reading about pennies. Sterling and Lindsey...yep, that's Lindsey reading in a rather unconventional way!
Look at Tiffany and Anne! This photo looks like they posed, but they didn't. Ms. van Ark answers a question for Nate and Cole.
Joshua and Connor are diligently are Donnie and Jack!
We had one group of 3 - Ashley P., Sydney, and Bailee. Now Kade is noticing there might be a Kodak Moment of he and Brenden coming up!

Now Garrett and Amanda were definitely working...even though it looks like Garrett might be half asleep. He wasn't...the photographer caught him in between blinks... maybe!