Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rainy Day Recess

 Kennedy and Janessa

 Yesterday at 10:15 recess, it was POURING down rain.  Oh boy!  First, we need the rain, and second, Room 17 was excited to have an "inside recess"!
 Allison and Brianna

Guess Who?  is always a popular choice, too.
 Emma M. and Riley
 Brooklynne, Emma M, Jace B, and Riley
 Jace S., Dakota, Hailey, Xander, and Charlie
 Taya and Emma S.

JENGA is a fun game, too.
 Riley, Janessa, and Kennedy
Quinn, Camerin, and Dennis

Some Room 17ers took advantage of a little extra time to work and have help with their homework.

It was nice to have a rainy day!


 Meet Jonathan!

Jonathan started his bag with this cool looking pen.  I was wondering at first why he had put this in his bag, not realizing it was a pen!  He told us he likes to draw things, and he likes this since it kind of looks like a shot.
 This San Francisco cap reminds Jonathan of when he went to SF in the summer.  He told us a guy dressed up as a police officer put this on his head!
 Of course, I ask Jonathan to model it for us...he did!
 This little lego man was included because Jonathan likes to build things.  This little man is from the Pirates of the Caribbean.
 This was actually a #8, blue UNO card.  Jonathan told us he likes to play UNO because it's a really fun game.  With a blue #8, you have to either have a blue card..or a #8 card to play.
 Uh-oh, Jonathan.  I didn't write this down.  Is this a pencil?  I'm betting you said you like to draw?
This is Skylander for the Skylander SWAP force.  This one doesn't swap, but it's strong...and Jonathan said he really likes Skylander!

What a great job you did sharing your bag, Jonathan!  We enjoyed learning  more about you!


 Meet Koa!

Koa is new to our district this year.  How lucky we are to have him come to Room 17.  He started his bag by showing us a picture he drew.  He said he drew it from a poster on his brother's wall.
 He played basketball when he lived in Utah.  This is a medal he got from playing.
 This is his mom's shell.  She got it in New Zealand...or maybe it's just from New Zealand.  I don't think I heard...or maybe Koa didn't say whether or not his mom went there...or did Koa go to New Zealand?  Um?  Koa, I have a question!
 These are little...nuts?  They rattle when you shake them because they have little seeds inside.  The smallest one looks just like a little rock.
 Koa showed us a bag of agates he found.  We asked if he found them at one of our local beaches, but he wasn't sure.
 This is a 'little metal cube thing' that his dad made for his mom when they were in high school.  Koa said he saw it and asked his mom if he could bring it to share in his bag. 
 Koa, like many others in Room 17,  brought a pencil because he likes to color and write.
 This is an Hawaiian necklace.  Koa is he brought this necklace.  He also brought a picture of it!
Koa, we loved learning more about you as you shared your bag!

Monday, September 22, 2014


 Meet Samantha!

Samantha gave us a big grin when she pulled her sister's Ariel out of the bag.  Samantha brought it because it reminds her of her sister.
 She brought this stuffed animal dog because she loves dogs!
 This is an Ice-Cream Spoon!  Samantha told us she and her dad like to eat ice cream in the evening!  Her favorite is Vanilla!

She also had some pictures from her Sunday School class 
 These are Candy Crush dolls...from Hawaii. This is a place Samantha would love to go.

She also had a clothespin.  She said it reminded her of her mom who likes to do laundry by hand!
 She included a pencil...because she loves to draw...
 This is her baby brother's feeding spoon.  It reminds Samantha of him and the first time she fed him!

She had a little brush...because she likes to play 'Salon' with her sister.

She also brought a drawing she had made.
 This little cupcake was to illustrate that she likes to cook!
 This little stuffed opossum was included because Samantha loves animals.
 This horse was included in the love of animals.  Her sister's friend gave it to her on her birthday...and she also loves horses!
 This is her mom's lipgloss.  Samantha gave it to her. 

She also had some magnet girls.  You can dress them up and mix up their clothes.
 This pin is from Samantha's church when she had her first communion.  She also said it reminds her of the Catholic church she went to. 
The last thing Samantha pulled out of her bag was this itty-bitty skirt!  She told us she likes to dress up!

Wow, Samantha!  I was surprised with how many things you were able to fit in that bag!  We sure enjoyed learning more about you!


 Meet Rachel!
 Rachel started with this little cat, telling us she loves cats!
 This is a ballet slipper.  Rachel loves to dance.
 She brought this flower because she likes flowers and she like to draw them.
 Rachel brought this bracelet to tell us she likes to dress up!  and she does!!!
 This is a hair tie.  Besides dress up, she likes to do her hair.

A paint brush was in her bag because she likes to paint!
 This is a measuring spoon.  Rachel told us she loves to cook!
This is a rock...because Rachel love to collect them!
 It's the same with a shell.  Rachel loves to collect them....
 This was my favorite!  Rachel brought a leaf because she likes to play outside!!!
Last, but not least, was this nail polish!  Rachel does like to paint her nails!

We totally enjoyed hearing about Rachel's bag!


 Meet Trevin!

Trevin started out with a bookmark.  He told us he loves to read!  (Yeehaw, Trevin!)
 Next he pulled out this cap.  He told us it was from his favorite football team.  I told him he needed to model it...

 A nerf dart was next.  Trevin said his grandpa is the one who got him interested in playing this.
Last but not least, Trevin brought a rainbow loom bracelet.  He said he likes it because it's in our country's colors! 

My absolute favorite part of Trevin's bag was when he said, "I hope to serve it (our flag) as well as it serves me!"

Wow, that's amazing, Trevin.  We definitely enjoyed you sharing your bag!