Thursday, June 05, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

 Mr. S's wife was off for her spring break a week earlier than ours.  So what did she do during her time off?  She came to OUR school and led us through some fun activities during our recesses!

One was the parachute!  There are students...a LOT of students... inside that parachute! 
 Now, they're obviously out from under it...
 After awhile, it was time for our Easter Egg Hunt.  Room 5 hid ... can't remember how many, but over a 100 eggs in the garden.  We did this for our little buddies.
 Out they came...
 and into the garden they went.  Some eggs were really difficult to find...others were easy! 
 I think the 4th graders definitely enjoyed this, but at the same time they were a little...maybe sad? that they weren't also hunting Easter Eggs!

Once the eggs were found, our little buddies started counting their eggs.  The rule was, no one could have over...think it was 5 eggs...or was it more?  Many of our little buddies wanted to share some of the candy that was INSIDE the eggs they found with their little buddies

What a fun time with our little buddies!.