Friday, August 31, 2007

Singing with Ms. R at our first assembly

Today was our first assembly of the school year. Ms. R has come into our classroom to teach us this song...but today in the assembly, she taught us some more. Since we are SO MATURE in 4th and 5th grade, she said we needed to sing FASTER...

Are you ready? Here we go...

Friday Silent Reading

I'm not sure why I call it 'Friday SILENT Reading' because it's not exactly silent.

On Fridays, I usually let Room 8 sit with a partner and read a 'Friday book.' They're welcome to continue reading the chapter book they were reading Mon-Thursday, but most choose to sit with a friend. I have carpet squares they can sit on...which they usually take outside when the weather is decent.

Today it was beautiful...

Meet Casey O

Now sometimes you might see Casey walking around and say Hi to her...but she might not answer you. Don't've probably said hi to the WRONG TWIN. Yep, Casey is an IDENTICAL twin... Right now Casey's glasses are broken...which I'm sorry for Casey... but happy for me so I can tell them apart! They're both sweethearts!

Casey told us she wasn't a cheerleader but that she likes to cheer. So she brought her pom poms. Casey does seem to love I wasn't surprised to see pink pom poms.
Casey also collects rabbits - not real ones, she said.
She also is in Girl Scouts. This is her pinewood derby car that she made. She didn't win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, but she won the 10/40 award. I asked her what that meant and she said with a big smile, "I don't have any idea!"

Meet Casey J

Now there are fisherman and there are fisherman...and Casey IS DEFINITELY a FISHERMAN! Poor Casey had SO many questions after he shared his bag, we ended up stopping before he could answer them all. Wow..this guy knows about fishing...and he even told us about catching a 40 lb. one this summer! FORTY POUNDS! Gee whiz...that's HUGE.

Casey enjoys fishing with his dad. You can see this picture of them together with the HUGE Chinook Salmon that Casey caught ALL BY HIMSELF. When Casey was asked where he liked to fish, he didn't know for sure how to answer because he fishes all over the place. Someone asked him if he'd ever fished out in the ocean...he said, "Oh, well, about....maybe 60 times." I guess that was a Yes.

You want to know anything about fishing - just ask Room 8's very own Casey!

Meet Carlo

Carlo... Carlo has a wonderful brother who use to live in Room 8! Carlo's mom also makes the BEST wild rice soup (just in case you were wondering!) So you can imagine my excitement when I knew I would have Carlo live in Room 8 for his 4th grade year!

Carlo shared his bag today:Carlo is a baseball guy. I can't even remember all that he had...but the first 4 or 5 items in his bag all had to do with baseball! This baseball he's holding is signed by a semi-pro team. I do remember he had a pretty valuable baseball card...and a stub from a professional baseball game he went to. This's red and black...and I can't remember what team it represents. If you know, you can leave the answer in the comments at the end of this post...and I'll add it in here.

Carlo...he's a sports guy!

Meet Ms R

Ms R, our new principal "the most beautiful principal in the world", came into Room 8 and shared her bag. She had a little different technique which was a lot of fun. On some items in her bag, she would hold it up and ask us WHY we thought it was in her bag.

The first one...well, it had to do with Junie B. Jones - the love of Ms. R's life, not the book:It's actually a stuffed - well, it USE TO BE stuffed toy of Junie B. Ms. R demonstrated for us how Junie B likes to toss it around. We already love Junie B, even those who haven't met her in person!

We also learned that Ms. R likes to swim - thus the goggles:We definitely have the 'most beautiful principal in the world.'

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Meet Austin...

I first met Austin when he was a cute little first grader! His first grade class and my fourth grade class were 'buddies.' I remember telling Austin he looked like he should be "a room 8er!"...and now he certainly is! Oh boy!

Today Austin shared his bag:We learned that Austin has a wide variety of interests! He really loves Transformers. That's what the top photo is...and he even transformed it for us. I was impressed. He also loves Spider Man...even decorating his room in spider man. Well, I think it was more his MOM who decorated it...but I'm sure it was under Austin's supervision.

Meet Amber...

On the first day of school, Amber walked into Room 8 and I may have screamed - in delight! I had no idea that THIS Amber was THE Amber...sister of JOE...who I had about 5 years ago! But she's one and the same.

Today Amber shared her bag:We learned that Amber and her brother and sister all LOVE to play soccer. Amber also loves horses. Her brother and sister like to do crafts and they made her that "A."

We're learning geography!

Today we learned that the southern hemisphere - the part of the earth south of the equator - is also called the 'water hemisphere.' We also learned that the equator is the imaginary line that separates the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.

We'll be concentrating next week on the Prime Meridian, eastern and western hemispheres, and the continents.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome to Mrs. S

Mrs. S has joined our Room 8 family! This is a recent bit of new that on the letters I sent home on the first day of school, she wasn't listed! I also feel fortunate to have Mrs. S. She will be with us during our ExCEL time which will be 9:35 - 10:30.

So I introduce to you, Mrs. S:

We introduce ourselves by our 'bags'... so here's introducing Ms. C

Ms. C is our student teacher for this fall semester. I feel fortunate to have her be a part of Room 8. She loves the students and, I can already tell, will make a wonderful teacher! Today she shared her 'bag.'
Each child has been given a paper bag with their name and a date written on the outside. This is the day they are to share their bag. Be watching this blog to get to know this sweetheart class!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Room 8 learns a new kind of scavenger hunt

"What are we in Room 8?" asks Mrs. Johnston.

"FLEXIBLE" is the correct answer.

And it's true! Everyday a schedule is on the board so all the Room 8ers can see what we're doing that day. But...seeing as we're flexible...sometimes it doesn't all get completed. But that's OK, because we're flexible! We'll get to it eventually.

The Scavenger Hunt was a lesson in being flexible...and not knowing what you were wishing for!

Monday, "Scavenger Hunt" was on the board...we never got to it. A collective sigh went out over Room 8 when I told them we were bumping it till Tuesday. Today it was on our schedule again....Room 8 was delighted. I can't remember what I heard to make me realize they had no idea what the scavenger hunt was. Well, the Room 8 version is a scavenger hunt through our textbooks: Social Studies, Science, Math, Writer's Express, and the atlas. They were working in groups to find answers for questions such as "Where would you find the Yazoo River?" or "What is luster?" The first decision was which book to look in. Then after finding the information, they had to write their answers on a paper. After the initial disappointment of this not being the typical - run around the neighborhood scavenger hunt - everyone was excited and into the hunt.

Those of you reading this blog will soon, very soon, realize how I LOVE to take pictures. Here are some more of some of these wonderful darlins who live in Room 8....