Wednesday, September 29, 2010



She started her bag by showing us Kit, an American Girl doll. She told us it reminds us of her sister because she gave it to her for Christmas.
This is a stuffy Pug...Tamia told us this reminds her of her mom because she got it at her mom's school carnival. Tamia's mom is a teacher in a different school district than ours...I think she teaches kindergarten.
Tamia showed us her Bible. She brought this to tell us how she goes to church. She actually got this Bible at her cousin's graduation.
This CD is of Orianthi who is a 'really good guitar player'. Tamia has two of her CD's!

She also brought her drawing notebook. She showed us a picture she drew of a 'scared horse'. Tamia just likes to draw...and she showed us a few other pictures.
Mario Party 8 is one of Tamia's Wii games. She really likes to play. Her Grandma and Grandpa gave it to her...which makes the game really special since they live far away.
Tamia searched in her bag for more..she had this Little House book since she likes to read. She's on page 162!
The last thing in Tamia's bag was a guitar pick. She likes to play and this pick reminds her of her dad because he got the guitar for her.

We sure enjoyed learning more about Tamia!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Stephanie entertained us today as she shared her bag. When it was time for her to share, she walked up and said, "Here's Stephanie with a tear in her bag!" She was can see in this photo how it had ripped...and she had repaired it with some scotch tape. Stephanie had a LOT in her bag...a lot of little stuff, she told me.

She started off with two games for her Wii. She said she likes to play the Wii...and the two game she brought were her favorites. One was about cats and the other about making your own dragon. Stephanie explained about the cat game...explained it very you have to take care of your cat, even cleaning out the litter box!
This, she told us, is her wax snake. She told us she likes to sculpt things from wax. Besides this snake, she has a yellow bird. The wax, is from cheese...I told Stephanie how creative I thought she was. I asked her how she thought to do that. She said, "Well, you have to take the wax off to eat the cheese..."..... and then she continued, "and so I like to sculpt."
As she told us when she explained her Wii game, Stephanie likes cats. So she brought this little emphasize her point.

She brought a pamphlet with a picture of Jesus on it. She told us she goes to the big brick church, the LDS church. She told Room 8 that this stood for the Latter Day Saints.
Stephanie told us this was her "most prized possession." This was her grandpa's...and he died in March. It helps her to look at this when she's feeling sad.

In case anyone didn't understand, Stephanie brought a cat stuffy..because she loves - cats! She said she had about a million of them.

She showed us a bookmark, telling us she loves to read.

A pencil was to tell us how she loves to write...

A jar, because she loves to go to San Francisco. She said she got the jar at a hotel. It has a marble in it because she and her sister collect marbles.

Stephanie stopped for a second and told us, "I brought a bunch of teeny tiny things!"
When Stephanie told us what this was, I didn't have a clue what she said..Room 8 all I asked her to spell it. Bakugan...Room 8 said that was correct. She has 9 of them. It's actually a ball that can change into something else, in this case, a kind of dragon. She calls it 'Draco'.

Stephanie had another snake because "I kind of like snakes...well, let it represent a bird, cause I like to collect birds!" She then reached in her bag and said, "Oops, I have a bird." With that, she pulled out a little dove. She said that was for her liking birds...and she also likes white.

Next came a rock...she looked at it, then told us to "Hold on a minute!" She ran over to the sink, got the rock wet, and told us that "THIS is how I found it!" It was beautiful when it was was a totally different color. She told us her aunt loves rocks and Stephanie was with her when she got one of her favorite rocks. She found another rock that was white with black crystals!
This piece of cloth is to illustrate how Stephanie likes to sew. She said, "It's actually a piece of America. You can see Florida!" Once she said that, Room 8 could see and they were in awe! Stephanie told us she had cut it out of her sister's old Halloween costume.

Another dragon was pulled out of her bag with "As you know, I love dragons!" Then Stephanie went on to explain the coloring of the dragon...

She brought a little treasure chest that she 'stole from the fish tank.' I think this was just to tell us she had fish?
Next, Stephanie had a key chain. It has a picture of a cat ... and it has beads. She told us she likes to bead...and, of course, she loves cats!
Stephanie had one more rock, 'an old dirty beat up rock cause I like to kick it around.' Room 8 asked her if it changed color when it got wet like the larger one. Stephanie wasn't sure, so she went over to the water fountain and got it wet. She said, Nope, just an old dirty beat up rock!

Wow! Stephanie kept us all entertained with her enthusiasm, her great explanations, and, of coursem all the teeny-tiny thinks she had in her bag!


Skyler started his bag with a soccer jersey. He said he likes soccer VERY much, but he doesn't watch it on TV. He doesn't know why.

He also brought a Cheat Code book. This makes winning video games easier. "It really helps," he said. Skyler told us you could buy the book for about $10 or $7.99...and he actually thinks it's about $7.99 at Blockbuster.

Skyler has a PlayStation 3, actually he has 3 PlayStation 3s...along with 3 Playstation 2s, one Wii and a DSi. Wow!
A school bus! Skyler brought this and told us his Grandma used to be a school bus driver in San Francisco. This reminds him of her.
Skyler showed us this motorcycle, telling us his dad has one...a real one. It's a Harley Davidson. His dad's first motorcycle was green but he traded it in for a black one. Skyler told us that when he grows up, he wants one.
This is a Donald Duck bobber...a bobber like if you're fishing. Skyler told us he used to live in Alaska and he would go fishing. He didn't catch many fish with this Donald Duck bobber so...he doesn't like Donald Duck!
Skyler explained this game to us...for his PlayStation 3. He said it had many challenges. You can do it by yourself..or with 2 people. He said it was better with 2.

Skyler...we enjoyed hearing about your bag!



Elijah is new to our school...real new. I think he's been here a couple of weeks at the most. He has fit in just like a glove! You may notice that "Elijah" doesn't fit in alphabetical order with the schedule of the bags. We added him in since he wasn't here when the schedule was made.

He started by showing us one of his many XBox 360 games. He said he really likes games.
Elijah shared his Personal Communion book. Many in Room 8 had no idea what this was, so Elijah explained it a little. Before moving here, he went to a Catholic School.
Elijah loves hot wheels...and he brought one to show us.
He also likes...cows! I think this is a first, like many of Owen's, for Room 8 bags!

Elijah also brought a marker...because he likes to color...
and for his last item, he pulled out a bracelet. He said his aunt bought it for him and he really likes it.

We enjoyed hearing about Elijah since most of us didn't know much about him. We're so glad he has moved here and is in Room 8!


Russell started off his bag with a baseball! He said baseball was fun and he usually catches every pop fly!
This is a light..."I think it works..," Russell told us. Sure enough, he turned it on and it was shining right in his eyes! He brought it to tell us he likes to go camping.
Like the majority of students at our school, Russell likes silly bands. This one that he brought is i the shape of a hot dog! A hot dog shaped rubber band...someone is making a lot of money with this idea!
Russell also brought two crayons...a yellow and a blue, which are also his favorite colors. I think he said he liked to draw...but I might be mistaken.
Now this is a stuffed snake...not a real snake, but a stuffed animal type of snake. He told us he likes stuffed animals and a snake is also his favorite animal.! Russell started unrolling some of his dollar bills. He told us he likes to collect money...and right now, he has $35!

The last thing he shared was his football jersey. This is his second year for playing. I didn't take a picture of it...and I asked Room 8 why I wasn't. There were many hands raised to remind us all that we don't use last names...or say our town, both of which were on Russell's jersey. Trust me though, it was a very nice jersey!

It was fun to hear more about Russell!


Owen shared his bag...and the first thing he pulled out was a metronome. When he said what it was, there were a lot of "Uh?"s from Room 8! Owen told us he likes to play the piano and the metronome keeps time when you're playing an instrument.
Owen also likes to he brought a book!
He also likes to draw, so he brought a pencil...
This is a knight. Owen told us he brought it because he likes stuff about Medieval Times.

He also brought a stuffy sea turtle, (you can see it hanging on the white board behind him). He brought it for two reasons. 1) He likes stuffies and 2) he likes sea turtles!
Owen is my 'watch-man'! He brought his watch to share because as he said, "I always like to know what time it is." Because our clocks DON'T WORK...Owen is who I always ask when I have forgotten to wear my watch, which is quite often! (Thank you, Owen!)

He also brought a bionical...because he likes them...
and he brought this fossil. Owen told us he loves to go fossil hunting!
Last but not least, was his Lego Star Wars guy. Again, this was shared for two reasons... 1) he loves legos and 2) he likes Star Wars!

Owen had a very unique bag...with items I don't think have ever been shared in room 8: metronomes, knights, and fossils... We enjoyed learning more about Owen!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Octavia was excited to share her bag today...

She started with her basketball trophy. She told us her team won 2nd place! Way to go, Octavia!
Look at this egret picture! Octavia told us she likes to draw. Egrets are important to our school since we just made one out of all the students on our playground last week.
Whoa...Octavia pulled out a dollar bill, telling us she likes money!

She also had a photograph of a polar bear to tell us how she loves animals...

and a book, because she loves to read!
Scissors! Octavia told us she brought these because she likes to cut. She didn't tell us WHAT she likes to cut, though.

She had headphones because she likes to listen to music on her DSi...

Speaking of her DSi, she also brought a game, Mario Cart, that she like to play when she's bored.

Octavia also had a notebook because she likes to write...and a crayon because she likes to color!
Speaking of color...Octavia brought GREEN nail polish! She likes to paint her nails...sometimes!
The last item Octavia had in her bag was a pink bracelet. Room 8 said it was a 'Bobby Jack' bracelet. When I asked them to repeat it, (I had no idea what a 'Bobby Jack' bracelet was) they were telling me...
"It's a monkey..."
"It's a brand..."
"They make clothes..."

You learn something new every day! Thank you for sharing your bag today, Octavia!


Before Nathaniel shared his bag, he asked me how many items he had to have in his bag.

"One...four...fourteen...four hundred, I don't care. It's a fourth grade choice," I told him.

Nathaniel just nodded his head.
He had a pencil in his bag, telling us he likes to write stuff. I had to ask him to hold the pencil up because Nathaniel was FAST and he was putting it down before I had time to blink!
He brought his Nintendo DSi because he likes to play it...not at school of course. Room 8 then had a discussion of was it spelled DSi or DSI...and the consensus was DSi.
The last thing Nathaniel brought was a pen...because, he told us, he likes to color.

Nathaniel, we enjoyed learning a little more about you today!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Meigan was the only one to share her bag today. She was ready!

She first pulled out 2 wii games. These, she told us, are her favorites!
Meigan loves to read and she brought one of her favorite books to show us.
She also had a string...Meigan told us she loves to do string tricks. She can do Cat's Cradle...the Eiffel Tower...and she told us another one, but right now I can't remember which one it was! Room 8 asked her to do one...I requested the Eiffel Tower...and in an instant, Meigan had created it with her string! Wow!

Meigan also had some headphones. She loves music and likes to listen to it on her iPod Shuffle.
This pot came from Germany. She got it for her birthday and it reminds her of Germany.
Isn't this a beautiful marble? Meigan likes to collect marbles...and this one is one of her favorites!

She also brought a mini-Panda eraser. Meigan likes pandas and likes to collect them and also she likes to collect erasers!

A first for Room 8 was a trophy for piano! Meigan loves to play the piano. I asked her how she got a trophy in piano. She told us her piano teacher has recitals and then gives out rewards! I think that's wonderful!
She had a letter from Grace...Meigan told us she likes writing to Grace...and when Grace shared her bag, she told us she liked writing to Meigan!

This paper is a math paper Meigan's dad made. She loves math...(just like her teacher!)

A notebook was in her bag because she likes writing... and a necklace with a rock pendant was also included because her aunt gave it to her and she likes rocks!

We definitely learned some new things about Meigan today!