Sunday, December 17, 2006

"I'll trade you 2 chocolates for 1 dill pickle," said Adam.

Yep, that's exactly what Adam said to Joshua. I wrote it down after I stopped laughing.

What he was talking about were pencils...scented pencils...VERY popular scented pencils...pencils that some kids have spent LOTS of money on. They come in all 'flavors'...chocolate, cinnamon, dill pickle, coconut, bubble gum, lime...I don't even remember all the flavors.

So Parents...if you're very loved Room 8'er is telling you how desperate they are for a new pencil, it may not be because of an extensive amount of writing. They might be starting a collection of pencils!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bailee shares about Hannukah

Bailee brought in her Menorah to share with Room 8...and to tell us about how her family celebrates Hannukah. She brought a book, which she read to the class, and some Star of David cookies.

She also brought a dreidel...and told what each of the letters stand for. The book she read also talked about the dreidel game. After talking about Hannukah, the Menorah, and the dreidel, she took questions...a lot of questions...and answered them all with poise and confidence. I was impressed, Bailee!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

Joshua is getting now his age is in double digits! Of course, we had the 'grey hair' hunt today in Room 8. I actually thought I had found one so it was quickly yanked out! (Joshua said, "Ouch!"...not sure if it was pain or surprise that there was a grey hair!) We also looked for wrinkles, and I'm glad to post that Joshua is holding his age wrinkles to be found!

Joshua is my kind of guy...he had listed DARK CHOCOLATE as his favorite candy bar!

In this photo, he's checking out THE grey hair!

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

We're a jumping group of guys!

Some of the boys are trying their hand at a group jump.

Jump roping definitely caught on as a recess activity. I think it first started when we had to stop football for a bit...we had a few too many rough games! I have to hand it to these guys...they're giving it a good try!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Room 8 doesn't let grass grow under their feet!

The title of this post is an expression I grew up means you don't stay still. Well, Room 8 isn't letting any grass grow under their feet either. When we were collecting phone books, Room 8 did a great job and we were in the top 3 - our party for winning that will be December 14th. Now that we've been selling Mary Kay as a fund-raiser for our school, grass didn't grow under our feet again! No way...Room 8 sold the most for the upper grades! We have now won another party! Oh boy!!!