Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween, a festive time in Room 8

Like we say about Room 8 - We work hard, but we like to party hard too!

That's what we did today, thanks to AMY! She single-handedly put a party - a VERY FESTIVE party - together for Room 8. Others contributed - Jacob and his mom brought party bags for everyone, Danielle and her mom brought some too, Casey J brought SHARK CUPCAKES, Austin and his mom brought pumpkin cookies, and Kamren's grandma made .... well, fingers. Look:

Not only were they ... well, rather gross looking ... worms and all, but of course, it IS Halloween, but they were .... DELICIOUS! Yep, gross looking and delicious. Thank you, Grandma!

Room 8 looked like Amy had worked on it for hours - we had a giant ghosts coming out of a pumpkin; we had a fog machine giving a rather eerie feel; decorations hanging from the door; on the white board; a huge spider hanging on our overhead; decorations on both doors; and then THE FEAST...

Take a look at the chocolate fountain! Amy used white chocolate...and it was SO GOOD on the sliced bananas, strawberries, ginger, pound cake, apple slices, and pretzels. YUM!

You may notice that this isn't just a regular ole fountain...nope, it's got a SKULL on top of it!

Now I need to post some photos of Room 8ers, because they are, see for yourself:

Here's our shark... Casey J
Austin and a very happy, Kyle A............
Casey O is a bride...she didn't know who the groom was.
Emma and Casey O...

Danielle was also a bride, but I forgot to ask who the groom was.
Look at Mary and Mae. I couldn't decide which one to put on the blog, so I just quit arguing with myself and put both of them on.
Geez, Carlo, what beautiful hands you have!
Um? Wonder who this scary creature is? Could it be Trevor?
Here's Dillon and Trevor - wait, if this is Trevor, is that also him in the photo before this one?

Dillon, the boxer man...

Bewitched...I mean, Emily.

I do believe this is Jacob hanging out with the Boxer.
You may not be able to tell from this shot, but Macey was a PINK MUMMY!

Oh Shawna, what a beautiful crown you have on!
Michael...I think this should be framed! I love this picture of him!

Miss photogenic herself, Amber!
Ah! And here is Kamren....
Here's our 2007 version of Wilma Flintstone...aka Devin!

Now at the end of a fun day at school, wouldn't you love for this lady...ahem, be your bus driver?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sweet Faces

I won this camera in a contest with FamilyFun Magazine. So I certainly needed to try it out and was playing around with the zoom while Room 8ers were hard at work.

You'll understand the title of this post when you look at these photos:

EmmaJacobKyle WDevinBranndonCarloMaeKamrenDanielle

Faces of 9 of the 28 adorable Room 8ers!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Missing Room 8

I told you yesterday that usually teachers come to school when they're sick. Why? Because it's just too difficult to write plans for a substitute when you're not feeling well.

Last night, I started feeling so much worse that there was no way I could come. My temperature went up over 100...just feeling yucky. So I came upstairs and typed out plans, knowing you would be in good hands with Miss C...and I requested Mr. C (no relation) as a sub.

I talked to Dorothy a little while ago and she said, Yes, Mr. C came.These two photos were taken on the last day of school for 2006 - Mr. C's last day to teach before he retired. See those plaid pants? Well, he wore them the first year he taught - over 30 years ago. None of us could even believe he could still fit into them!

I hope you're having a fun day....

Writing with Miss C

Miss C has started leading Room 8 through writing a story. They had two choices - a narrative or realistic fiction. After we learned what each of those were, we brainstormed some possible topics for each genre.

Once each Room 8er decided what they were going to write about, we thought what would basically happen in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the story. Next, we listed facts for the beginning, put them in order, and started writing our first paragraph.
Look at Miss C racing around the room to try to help as many Room 8ers as she can!
Miss C helps Devin come up with a great opening sentence.

It's always nice to get some feedback from our classmates, so once our first paragraph was written, we shared what we had written with a partner.
Carlo and Mae share their opening paragraphs.
Kamren and Edin share their opening paragraphs.

Miss C enjoys making books, so her plan is for us to publish these stories when they're finished!