Friday, April 17, 2009


A HUGE thank you to Debbie, Ashley's mom, for our wonderful Easter party!Room 8 was thrilled to pieces. Debbie had asked me earlier in the month about having one, saying she would love to bring treats. As we say in Room 8, "We work hard, but we like to party hard, too!"Grandma Dolores even came to help.

"Thank you, Grandma Dolores!!!"Brittany is part of the family...both Ashley's family and Room 8's family. She also helped.

"Thank you, Brittany!"
Look at all this! Debbie worked so hard to give Room 8 these treats!Debbie not only brought treats, but she brought drinks, napkins, plates and coverings for our table. There were also eggs filled with treats for the kids, along with packages of jelly bellies. Oh my...what a treat it was!Ashley and Austin led the pack when it was time to fill their plates.Wasey and ShelbyNow Kobe was ready to smile for his blogging teacher. Kacey was happy, but he just doesn't like to smile for the camera. Doesn't seem Spegi wanted to either. Somehow, someway...but now I can't remember how, but we got Kacey to smile! Yee haw!!!MarseyaRileyParkerMarseya isn't looking too happy with her pink egg. Maybe she's eaten too much chocolate?Abby and Sarah... Oh, I saw a different Sarah. I loved this Sarah just as much as I love the other
Sarah that's usually in Room 8.Sarah told me this was a 'chocolate Sarah'...or maybe it was a 'sugar Sarah'??? I can't remember.MaxBrittany and Orion... See Ms. V in the background? Today was a 'switch day' so she came back to visit. Unfortunately, Ms. H was gone to her other classroom.A big group... looks like Kenny joined the gang!Danny and SpegiWhat you may not realize, is that Austin made a set of weights... he's pretending they're HEAVY weights. Can't you see him straining to lift them?Kenny and AshleyNathanUm? Looks like Orion liked this particular candy!Abby... notice her new shirt? I think it's absolutely adorable!A close up of Abby. Abby has 'peaches and cream' soft and smooth!Vanessa was a bit relaxed.I wonder what Kobe is saying to Vanessa? Maybe he's asking her if she's relaxed? I doubt it.Kaia... loving her Easter candy!Austin wanted to show the readers of the Room 8 News his candy. SpegiSomeone's plate of goodies...or what is left of it.Abby and SarahKobe was looking for more of those salami pieces that were wrapped around cream cheese....oh my, they are SO incredibly good. (They were all gone!)Max is giving his bunny, bunny ears!Vanessa was letting us peak inside her egg.Kaia overfilled hers a bit.Poor Shelby is having a hard time getting hers open.Wasey...Wasey is our Indian Princess..."OH NO!" yelled Orion, "the party is over! RATS!"

Thank you again, Debbie. As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed the party!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caryn's 18th Birthday

Room 8 loves Caryn.

Caryn also loves Room 8. She actually lived in Room 8 for her 4th grade year. I have a picture of both of us on her first day of fourth grade. It's hanging over by the sink. When I told some Room 8ers that was Caryn, they didn't believe first.
Caryn is now a senior in high school... and she comes to work in Room 8 every day. She's there during our math time which is a tremendous help. On April 2nd, she turned 18 years old. We made her cards and brought cupcakes...she also brought we each could have 2!
Everyone wanted their picture made with Caryn...

Did I say Room 8 loves Caryn?