Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our last "Friday Group" on December 17

Alex being helped by Ms. C

  Monday, December 17th, was our last "Friday Group"...
What a special time this has been....
and, of course,
none of this would have happened without our GREAT parents
and Mr. C...
or the people/companies that donated wood...stain...and the aprons.
I don't want to say their names on here...since I don't want to say where we are...
 Laurie...who was instrumental in the success of the crochet group!

Mr. C had never talked with this group about sandpaper and the correlation between the number and the grit...
 He gave them lots of information for whenever they want to try a project on their own....
Oops...looks like Mr. C hurt his thumb!
 The cooking group was busy making sugar cookies...
 Hannah and Sara...daughter and mama!
 Micah...measuring vanilla
 David was getting a bit of instruction from Sara on using the Kitchen Aid mixer

Ms. C was still working with Alex

This next series of pictures is of Cameron and Isabella.  Two little petite 4th grade girls trying to figure out how in the world to get the clamp to hold the wood onto the stand...

Gretchen entered the picture... :)
 The girls just laughed at her...and kept on working...

I got such a kick out of watching these two!

 Mr. C was asking Jason if the board was smooth enough... it was!
Now it was Caleb's turn...

 The cooking group was busy cutting the cookies out...a lot of cookies!

 Hannah was carefully transferring the cookies to the cookie sheet...

 Once the cookies were was time to clean up.  Looks like Aliya, Hannah, and Austin were on duty!
Here's Cameron again...but now she's finishing drilling the holes in her board.
 Looking good, Aaron!
 I think Lura was making one for herself! 
 Gretchen was helping Sabrina by holding the wood while Sabrina sanded...
 Look at all the woodchips flying while Jayden sanded!
 Jason...double checking to make sure it's all just perfect!

 Mr. C
 Amara and Aliya were making sure all was clean!
Rachel and the cooking group also made frosting...
and they colored it...
and then
Room 5ers each got ... I think it was 5 cookies ... to decorate!
 Thank you, Rachel!
Room 5... how fortunate they have been to have so many parents so willing to come in and help us do some great activities!  

It's hard to believe the "Friday groups" are now over...but we learned a lot and definitely had a lot of fun!  Thank you again to all our parents...and Mr. C!