Sunday, March 30, 2014


 This is a drop of water on a piece of wax paper...
 This is Kai, seeing what happens when he tries to move the drop of water with a toothpick..
 and Lacie is doing the same thing...

 as is Kathryn and Jayden...
 and Kenneth...
 and Aarin...
 and Breanna with a little help from Kayla, one of our HSU students...

What Room 5 found was that the water drop stuck to the toothpick and moved around the wax paper! 
Another experiment Room 5 did used a straw.  They dipped the straw into the water, put a finger over the end, lifted it out slightly, and observed what the water inside the straw looked like.
 Some of Room 5 were down at eye-level with the straw to get a good look! 
 What did they discover?  The water dipped down in the center...or was higher on the sides.  Why????
 What made it do this? 

 This would be a great question to ask your Room 5er!  I could write it here, but then it would be a 'spoiler'...
There are definitely some great discoveries to make about water!  Something we thought nothing about...plain ole amazing!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Baba Marta

Baba Marta is a national holiday in Bulgaria that means "Grandma March".  They celebrate it on March 1st by exchanging martinistas, red/white bracelets with little charms on them.

Our pen pals in Bulgaria sent us some!
 Here we are with our martinistas on!
 Breanna with her cast!
 I think this is Cody...hiding!
 Jayce...hiding from the camera

 I think this is one of Elias' new shoes!

 Playing 4 square at recess...
 Cody didn't want his picture taken...but someone kept following him around the playground!

 Hold on a minute...this is Connor...Connor who doesn't live in Room 5... Connor who I wished lived in Room 5... Connor with the black eye!
 And wait another minute!  These two girls don't live in Room 5 either!  Actually, they did last year.
Isabella and Cameron
 Back to Cody...

and one more of Connor!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


 Room 5 is a group of special ... very special... young people!
 They are so very caring.  I absolutely adore them all!
 Nico is one of these special young people.
 His smile can definitely light up his entire face... and the face of all of us in Room 5.

 Nico's mom, Elena, was one of our moms who came and helped in our Friday groups.

 Some of the learning that takes place in Room 5 is difficult for Nico. 
 Room 5ers are there to step in and help.  They love to hang out with play games with him.

 See that smile!

We just love Nico!