Monday, June 18, 2007

Reflections of a great year in Room 8

Here it is, June 18th, and school has been out for 4 days. I went up to the school today and saw my class list for next year. It's exciting to think of a new year... but not yet. Right now I'm still savoring the year I had this year with another wonderful group of young people.

Parents, you need to know what a HUGE difference it makes when you are involved with your children. Of course, those of you reading this most likely are the ones who ARE involved...and that's why your children do as well as they do. There is also a fine line between helping too much and helping just the right amount. Too much, and often it sends a message to a child that they aren't capable of doing it on their own. This ends up not helping as much. Helping, in what I consider 'just the right amount', is supporting, checking over, but not doing work for them, letting them make their mistakes and learn from them. Fortunately most of the involved parents are experts at this.

As a teacher, I usually know fairly quickly which children have support at home and which ones don't. I have to remember this isn't the child's fault... and work with them accordingly. Fourth grade is a huge transition year. Most students rise to the higher expectations and enjoy the challenge.

This year, not only did most of Room 8 rise to the academic challenge, but they also rose on another level. As most of you know, this was a difficult year emotionally because I lost someone very dear - very special to me. Camilla. She was a student of mine in the 2003-2004 school year. In January of that year, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Over the past three years, she became part of my family and I became part of hers. She left us on April 16th of this year.

I talked to Room 8 about it throughout the year. I talked to them about hope, about perseverance, about living every moment to its fullest. What I saw in your children was compassion...deep compassion. I know most of your children never met Camilla, but they learned of her through me. It is my hope that your children learned more about life...more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic.

I couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more gentle class of 4th graders to go through this time with. I always miss my classes when they move on to 5th grade...but this class went through a lot with me. Their support and the kind words and support from many of you meant everything to me.

I am so proud of your children...I hope you know how much they have - and do - mean to me.

The Last Day Barbeque is a tradition in Room 8

I love having a barbeque on the last day of school. Of course, it's not possible to do it without a tremendous amount of parent help...which is exactly what we had this year.

Susan, Brendan's mom, and Carissa, Matthew's mom, both brought their grill. These were fired up around 11:20 and the cooking of the hamburgers and hot dogs began. Besides hamburgers and hot dogs, we had chips, salads, cookies, brownies...and lots of drinks. It was all so good. Thank you to all the parents who helped make this possible!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Guess who has these eyes...

Eyes...I think they are so distinct! To me, these are easy to tell. Can you tell who is who?

Another Guess Who....

Now that summer is you remember who has these smiles?

Who is who?

How do you manage 35 4th graders with a mess of balloons? Matthew did it just fine!

Matthew, a former Room 8'er, has become an EXPERT on balloon art. I mean, even his clothes and his Dr. Seuss hat look an expert! Fortunately for Room 8, Matthew came and shared his love of balloon art with us. Each one of us got to make a this wasn't just any sort of hat, no, it's a balloon hat.

Watch this video of us working...I don't think Kade is totally enjoying himself!

Here is another video of us working away...

Barter Day in Room 8

In the gold fields of California, people often bartered to get what they wanted or needed. So in keeping with our academics, we had BARTER DAY in room 8.
Hopefully everyone felt a little richer...some may have felt a little poorer. You could just never tell about those miners.

We read, and read, and read some more

June 11th was Room 8's readathon. We didn't do it to raise any money, we just did it for the ultimate pleasure of reading.

Bean bags, sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals...they were all brought in to make us totally comfortable while we read, read, and read some more!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Our last day with least for this school year

Courtney came into Room 8 today...only she didn't read to us, we read to her! All the wonderful Room 8'ers picked out a poem. Some read/recited alone, and some read with a partner. They were wonderful both ways.

This group of 4th - almost to be 5th - graders, LOVES to be read outloud to. Of course, Courtney is such a great 'reader-alouder' that she makes it that much more special.

Here we are reading to Courtney...