Thursday, March 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Ashley P!

Ashley P turned 10 years old today! We looked for grey hair - didn't find any - and we looked for wrinkles. I actually didn't notice any at first, but then some of the acute observers in room 8 DID notice slight wrinkles directly under Ashley's eyes. We decided that she was definitely holding her age well!

Happy Birthday, Ashley!

Oh, it's wonderful when the sun is shining and it feels so good to be outside!

Recess is always fun...but never so much as when the sun is shining, no wind is blowing,and you're playing with your friends!

Poor Sydney

Yesterday was not Syd's best. This is what happened when she was playing out in the wood chips. This picture was taken today, 24 hours, as you can see, instead of stitches, she was glued back together. We were glad to see her back today.


I think red hair is so beautiful ...and room 8 just happens to have 3 beautiful heads of red hair! Kade, Amanda, and Bailee...

Rainy Day recesses

Room 8 seems to be so excited when it's an inside recess! Somedays...when the wind is blowing and it's so c-o-l-d, I don't blame them at all. Here are some photos from this week when it was a "rainy day recess."

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Logging Conference

All the fourth graders went together to the Logging Conference. Cole's dad, John, was our guide...and what a great time we had! We saw equipment...a wildlife show...the logger competition...a helicopter take off...and a yarder in action. We also got to ride on the 'Steam Donkey.' Thank you to all the parents who went with us and helped to make it so successful!

Happy HALF Birthday, Bailee

Once upon a time when Mrs. J was in elementary school, the P.E. teacher use to give all the kids a 'birthday spanking' when it was their birthday. He was a big man and would swing you up and around in a circle on the 'one to grow on' part of the 'spanking.' It was something all the kids loved and looked forward to. Unfortunately, those of us with summer birthdays always missed out.

When I started teaching, I knew I would never leave out the summer birthdays. Well, Bailee jumped the gun and she brought cupcakes to celebrate her HALF BIRTHDAY! It was EXACTLY half way too! so....HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY TO YOU, BAILEE!

Collin comes to visit

Collin is now 21 years old...but he was a Room 8'er both when he was 7 years old (and in the 2nd grade) and again when he was 11 and a 6th grader! He came home to visit for his spring break and came and told us all about becoming a mining engineer and working in a salt mine, coal mine, and a gold mine! We enjoyed having him come...and boy did we have the questions!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Amanda brings souvenirs from Mexico

Our very own Amanda took a trip to Mexico in January with her parents. They went to help do some dental work...what an experience!

Amanda brought each and every person who lives in Room 8 a wooden bookmark. On the tops, are painted different animals - I assume from that area of Mexico. We all love them...

THANK YOU, Amanda!...and we're glad you're back!