Monday, December 24, 2007

Whew! Look at our construction!

Thursday was a big day in Room 8!

From 10:45 till noon, we constructed our Gingerbread Houses. They are masterpieces in my opinion. I was so impressed, I took 70 photos which I'm putting all on a slide show!

After the Gingerbread Houses, the Recycling Center came in to give us our PIZZA PARTY for winning the Phone Book Recycling at our school. They told us that not only did we win first place in our school, but we recycled the most books of any classroom IN THE COUNTY!

Room 8, you're the best in every single way!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas, Courtney!

Remember those pop-up cards we were making for Courtney?
I almost forgot to give them to her!

Courtney was here a few minutes early on Tuesday. We were just talking while Room 8 had an 'inside recess' because of the rain. Once recess ended, Courtney started reading (and finished Because of Winn Dixie). She read a few minutes longer so she could finish. As she was leaving, Casey O. ran up and whispered in my ear that we hadn't given her the cards! Oh gee whiz! Thank you, Casey O for rescuing my forgetfulness!
Room 8 was SO excited to watch Courtney open her cards...her beautiful cards!

Merry Christmas, Courtney!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Matching shirts

This is what greeted me as I walked in yesterday...

These are not twins...this is Austin and Kyle W.

As I was snapping this picture, Casey J pointed out to me that he and Michael both had on blue shirts.

"Well, Casey J, that calls for a picture!" I told him. Casey nodded his head in agreement.
And then here is Casey J and Michael...both in blue shirts!

What a BUSY week this has been!

In the beginning of the year, I would tell parents - "In room 8, we work hard - but we like to party hard too!" Well, this week we've just partied our hearts out...and we still have tomorrow!

We made'll see them come home tomorrow:

Austin is 'making his list'....
Carlo is making his list... uh-oh, looks like ... well, he thinks he's getting coal. I'm not sure that's a good sign
Dillon has a LONG list!
Macey is thinking what to add to hers...
Dillon and Kyle A are painting their spools.
Look how careful Casey J is while he paints!
Trevor is just a happy guy!
This was our room arrangement for our crafts....
We just turned our desks around so we were facing the person we usually sit across from...
It worked well for paint supplies...and then for the gingerbread houses!

The craft times weren't necessarily a "party" but Room 8 had lots of fun doing them!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Making Pop-up cards for Courtney

Oh, it was SO INCREDIBLY GREAT to be back in Room 8. I missed everyone so much. Miss C didn't come in and neither did Mrs. S. I read one of my favorite all-time picture books: Red Ranger Came Calling. I hope Room 8 enjoyed the book AND the illustrations.

Well, OK, so we changed around a few plans...and did we ever have fun.

We made pop-up books for Courtney.

BubbleShare: Share photos - Safe Toys

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The last two weeks in Room 8 have gone great!

Miss C has run Room 8 for the last two weeks while I have been home with the shingles. I can tell that everything has run smoothly...and I do believe Room 8 has had a wonderful time. I know Miss C has....

Mr. C has also had a grand time! Mr. C taught at our school for... oh, I don't know, but I think it was over 30 years. Now he's 1 1/2 years into retirement and still loving to come back to school - especially to Room 8. He keeps telling me, "You have SUCH a sweet class!"

Yep, I know that... Miss C knows that.

Mr. C actually told Miss C that she wasn't earning her "combat pay." Now, what he meant by that was that usually, when there is someone else running a classroom, the students are - well, maybe not always as good as they are for their teacher. That makes teaching difficult for the person trying to run the classroom. But not Room 8!

Miss C, Mr. C., and Mrs. S have been taking some photos for me...both for me to see and because they know I love to blog what's going on in Room 8.

These photos are of several things... First of all, Room 8 went all week with everyone turning in their homework!!! Macey and her mom made up certificates. Miss C ran them off and everyone received an award Friday. WAY TO GO! You'll also see us taking our math test - you'll know that by the "Don't Peek Guards" protecting our papers... plus, I think these are snowman cards being made. Enjoy!
BubbleShare: Share photos - Safe Toys

Thursday, December 13, 2007

One dapper snowman!

For our "Holiday" performance, each room is doing a decoration. Now, I know Room 8 is doing a snowman, but I don't know if EVERYONE is doing snowmen or how that's working.

When Mr. C brought my camera by yesterday, I saw these adorable photos of my wonderful room 8'ers in the excitement of decorating.
Oh, look at how excited Carlo and Jacob are! I miss you two!
Kyle! Look at that smile:) I miss you!

Mary... look at those stylish boots! I miss seeing one of my fashion statements...and I just miss Mary:(
Oh,, there's Michael and Casey J. Sweet, quiet...two words to describe both of these boys who I miss so much!
Oh goodness, blue and yellow handed Trevor and Dillon. Oh how I miss these paint-happy guys!

Room 8 looks like they're having a grand time...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh, Hi Room 8! I miss you!

Hi there Room 8! I love seeing you wave to me and am so glad you enjoyed your cookies! Oh Room 8, do you know how much I miss you?

I love seeing all your pictures...and hearing stories from Miss C and Mr. C. I am SO IMPRESSED with your 3 day record for EVERYONE getting their homework in!!! EVERYONE! That sure makes me happy.

I am so hoping I'll be able to come back next week. I'm going to the doctor for a check up tomorrow afternoon, so Miss C will let you know.

You know, Room 8, you make it so much easier for me. I know you're in good hands with Miss C and Mr. C, but it's because you are such an absolutely wonderful class that makes all of this easier for me. I know you are being wonderful - and that makes me happy!

Did I say I miss you? I do.

Monday, December 03, 2007

More from Miss C's solo

During a solo, the mentor teacher (that's me) is not suppose to be in the classroom. I was up in the conference room missing room 8, but getting a lot of work done! Fortunately for all of us, we have Mrs. S in room 8 too. She took photos for me...THANK YOU, MRS. S! You will thank her too when you see some of these photos!

I decided to put them in a little slide show:
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I know this TV is large and covers up part of the side, but it was just too cute to pass up. Plus, I bet not one Room 8er has ever seen a TV like this!

Miss C's Solo week

This past week, Miss C did her one week solo. I checked in with her each morning, lunchtime, and after school. I could tell the week went very well! Miss C was having a wonderful time and the students, from all I could see and hear, were enjoying the week and learning a lot.

Spiders has been a topic for science since we are reading Charlotte's Web. Anytime you bring animals into the curriculum, it's a hit with the students. Room 8 was no exception! Students were bringing in spiders...and I brought in a terrarium and they set it up for the spiders' habitats.

Miss C said the students wanted to do an experiment to see how multiple spiders in the same habitat would do. Would they build a web together? Would some be cannibals? We read a few weeks ago about multiple species of spiders who spun an enormous web. What will happen in Room 8?

Hooray for the recyclers of Room 8!!!

This is what Room 8 did on Tuesday.



and cheer some more.

Yep, Mr. M next door ran over to see if everything was OK in Room 8 - it was.

I had Miss C announce to the class that....

Thank you to all who brought phone books in! The most important part of this is RECYCLING...but room 8 is also very excited for our PIZZA PARTY! We'll have that on December 20th!