Thursday, November 18, 2010

Matthew visits Room 5

Meet Matthew...

Matthew is a former Room 8er...and now he's in his second year of college...and is thinking he wants to teach...

Today he came in to observe for the day...
Matthew is also a master at balloon art. He asked me about making something for the class...I was happy...very happy to oblige!
The students were fascinated watching him blow up and twist around the balloons...the whole time talking to them, asking what they thought he was making...
Look at all those balloons!
Do you know what it is?
Hint: Matthew likes old cartoons...
Room 5 had it figured out by now...but do you?
They told Matthew it needed a beak...
After putting on the white eyes, he fashioned the beak...
He drew the black in the eyes...
He told us his hand wasn't too steady...
But he kept on...
It's Road-Runner!!! Beep beep!!!
How cute is that?

Matthew is amazing! He first started doing balloon art in the fifth grade...then taught himself to do it better...started doing it for people in the 7th grade.

He works fairs on the plaza, works with the balloons at a restaurant close to the mall, is hired out for birthday parties...

and to all started with blowing up his first balloon!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Food Chains

Room 5 just adores Ms. McL.

In Science, she has been teaching the food chain. We learned about producers (plants) and primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, and decomposers. We've learned about herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.


After learning about the food chain, we started working on our food chain project.
Tamia Ruth

Each student chose an animal from the tundra.

Room 5ers did some research on their animal. They found out what it ate...if it was a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. They also found what adaptations the animal had to see how it survived in the tundra. There were other facts they looked for, too.
Alex F

After collecting their facts, they wrote this into a paragraph, had it edited, and then wrote it on a large index card. On the other side of the card, they drew a picture of their animal.

Once this card was completed, each student was given 3 smaller cards. On one, they redrew their animal. Then they put this animal in a 3 - part food chain.
Ms. McL and Kamryn

Ms. McL did an excellent job with this food chain unit...Room 5ers enjoyed learning...
and they also enjoyed the project... Come take a peek in our room and see the finished projects hanging from the ceiling!

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Halloween in Room 5...
We started with a delicious lunch provided by some of our wonderful parents!

Vivian, Emilee's mom, spearheaded the festivities...THANK YOU, Vivian!!!
Our moms even served us our food... How special is that?


We had made our placemats...

During lunch, we sat around enjoying our food and visiting with our friends...
Kamren and Owen
Jessica and Ariel

Room 5 enjoying our Halloween lunch!

After enjoying our lunch, those who wanted, dressed in their costumes...this was definitely time for photos! I'll let you guess who they are!

This was a game where you tried to toss the ring around the witch's hat...

Just an FYI...this is NOT a current Room 5er...but her sweet mama is a Room 5er...
Tamia loves this hopefully-a-Room 5er-when-she's-in-4th-grade...

Our 'chicken principal' danced with Tamia Ruth...
and then she flew off to...well, she just flew off...
the clown laughed...
Octavia just covered her face...while Jennifer just couldn't believe she'd seen a chicken dance!

"WHOA!" said this cowgirl...

These two wizards thought about casting a spell, but decided against it...
They decided to call it a did everyone else on this Halloween afternoon!