Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2nd Trimester Awards

 For our 2nd Trimester Awards, Mr. S came into our classroom to honor our students who earned an E (for Excellent) in every single area of their report card.  

Back Row:  Jade, Mikayla, Cameron, David, Hannah
Front Row:  Austin, Isabella, Ian, Micah, Sabrina

 Mikayla and Ian also got Perfect Attendance awards!
 Here we go on the awards of Academic Excellence...starting with Ian!
One more shot of our award winners!

Congratulations on a job well done!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


The Symphony

 Last week, all the 4th and 5th grades went to the symphony.  Most of us came in 'symphony dress'...meaning we dressed up a bit.  The venue (place where it was held...which, of course, will be nameless on this blog!)  was beautiful!
 I think we had the best seats in the house.

 Right before the members of the symphony came out...

What a great day!

Monday, April 15, 2013



 The Friday before our Easter break, we had a Read-a-Thon!   As you can see, bean bags, comfy chairs, pajamas, and slippers were all OK to bring in.  Our goal was to read and be comfortable doing it...and we were.

 Austin reading one of my favorite books, Wringer
 Cameron reading her Kindle
 Hannah reading from her Kindle
 Nadia and Zoe
We had some of our parents come in to help.  Some brought DELICIOUS snacks and some read books.
 Lauri, Rachel, Cindy
 Sunni came in and brought her little man
 comfy slippers

 Grandpa even came!  He read us two stories that HE wrote.
 Ian, along with everyone else, enjoyed a 'carrot'... a snack of goldfish crackers and Cheetos in a cone-shaped bag tied with a green ribbon...compliments of Sonja!

Matt came and helped out on the last shift.

Thank you to all our parents, families, and friends who helped make this a success!  We needed to raise money for the 5th grades to pay off our Wolf-Creek debt and for the 4th graders to help pay for two spring field trips.  Plus, wasn't it fun to just relax and read for a morning?