Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Sushi Lunch

Room 5ers...well, most Room 5ers, had a sushi lunch last Friday.  A couple of weeks earlier in library, some of us had been reminiscing about how we missed the Friday groups we did earlier in the year.  That led to talking about the cooking group...which led to sushi (somehow)...which led Mikayla to hop up and take a survey to see how many in our class liked sushi.

Enough for a sushi lunch!
That was step one.  Step two was making a list of what we would need.  Step 3 was different students volunteering...or volunteering their moms... to bring ingredients. 

Isabella quickly volunteered her mom to make the rice!
On Friday, we had lots of help!  Sonja, Heather, Sunni, Sara, Rachel, Lauri, Carol...
and most of the Room 5ers who participated in the lunch, got to try their hand at rolling!

Mikayla is a master-roller!  She's already a chef at 11 years old!
I think Sonja makes sushi quite often...she had it down!  She thought ahead and brought gloves for the kids who wanted to roll... we wanted to stay sanitary!
Now to David. 
David might be what you call a 'picky eater.'  His diet is not real versatile...  After hearing all the excitement over sushi, David decided he was going to try it. 
Even rolling it was a stretch for him....the texture is one thing he doesn't like.  But look at him roll!  YeeHaw, David! 

He tried to try eating the sushi...but didn't quite make it.  We were all proud of him for attempting it!
Look at all this!

What a feast!!!

Can you tell we loved our sushi lunch? 

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Reading in the garden with our buddies

We've had beautiful weather this week...
So on Thursday, when we went to be with our first grade buddies, we went out in the garden to read.
Our first graders had a book (or two) to read to their 4/5 buddy...
and they had a book for their 4/5 buddy to read to them!

After reading, strolling around the garden became the preferred activity!

All kinds of flowers are in bloom...

and there were some spiders hanging out around some of the buildings...
Ms. W then told her first graders they could play (with their big buddies) on the upper-grade playground.
They went back to their classroom first, to put their books away.  Ms. W told her students that after their books were put away, they could come out to the playground 'and find your buddy.'  My 4/5 graders took that as meaning they were to hide...and let their 1st graders literally find them!
Ian fit just right under the bench!
Caleb had a more difficult time hiding with his crutches!
Hannah popped up to see if her buddy was coming...

Before we left, we got a group shot of both our classes!

We definitely enjoy our buddies...and I KNOW for a fact that they enjoy us!