Meet Samantha!
Samantha gave us a big grin when she pulled her sister's Ariel out of the bag. Samantha brought it because it reminds her of her sister.
She brought this stuffed animal dog because she loves dogs!
This is an Ice-Cream Spoon! Samantha told us she and her dad like to eat ice cream in the evening! Her favorite is Vanilla!
She also had some pictures from her Sunday School class
These are Candy Crush dolls...from Hawaii. This is a place Samantha would love to go.
She also had a clothespin. She said it reminded her of her mom who likes to do laundry by hand!
She included a pencil...because she loves to draw...
This is her baby brother's feeding spoon. It reminds Samantha of him and the first time she fed him!
She had a little brush...because she likes to play 'Salon' with her sister.
She also brought a drawing she had made.
This little cupcake was to illustrate that she likes to cook!
This little stuffed opossum was included because Samantha loves animals.
This horse was included in the love of animals. Her sister's friend gave it to her on her birthday...and she also loves horses!
This is her mom's lipgloss. Samantha gave it to her.
She also had some magnet girls. You can dress them up and mix up their clothes.
This pin is from Samantha's church when she had her first communion. She also said it reminds her of the Catholic church she went to.
The last thing Samantha pulled out of her bag was this itty-bitty skirt! She told us she likes to dress up!
Wow, Samantha! I was surprised with how many things you were able to fit in that bag! We sure enjoyed learning more about you!