Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Room 8 learns a new kind of scavenger hunt

"What are we in Room 8?" asks Mrs. Johnston.

"FLEXIBLE" is the correct answer.

And it's true! Everyday a schedule is on the board so all the Room 8ers can see what we're doing that day. But...seeing as we're flexible...sometimes it doesn't all get completed. But that's OK, because we're flexible! We'll get to it eventually.

The Scavenger Hunt was a lesson in being flexible...and not knowing what you were wishing for!

Monday, "Scavenger Hunt" was on the board...we never got to it. A collective sigh went out over Room 8 when I told them we were bumping it till Tuesday. Today it was on our schedule again....Room 8 was delighted. I can't remember what I heard to make me realize they had no idea what the scavenger hunt was. Well, the Room 8 version is a scavenger hunt through our textbooks: Social Studies, Science, Math, Writer's Express, and the atlas. They were working in groups to find answers for questions such as "Where would you find the Yazoo River?" or "What is luster?" The first decision was which book to look in. Then after finding the information, they had to write their answers on a paper. After the initial disappointment of this not being the typical - run around the neighborhood scavenger hunt - everyone was excited and into the hunt.

Those of you reading this blog will soon, very soon, realize how I LOVE to take pictures. Here are some more of some of these wonderful darlins who live in Room 8....

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