Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Symmetrical and asymmetrical...Look, we can show you what this is!

Our "local university" (remember Room 8 readers - no names here!) has a class called 'interpretive dance.' The instructor sent out an email asking if we would be interested in having a couple of the students come to our classroom and teach some 'interpretive dance.'

"Um," I was thinking. I thought for a little while - maybe 3 1/2 minutes or so...and then sent back an email saying SURE!

I told Room 8 that I had NO IDEA what they would teach, but that we would, of course, all be very polite and appreciative...and we would all participate. (The "pep talk")

Well, two wonderful students - Erin and Nicole - came Tuesday and it was WONDERFUL! I think all Room 8ers had a grand time and learned a lot. We didn't necessarily understand the "dance" part of it...but we sure learned what it means for something to be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Of course, being the blogging fiend and photo fiend that I am, I took not 10, not 20, not, I took 55 pictures and Erin and Nicole were only here less than an hour. I think I'll just put them in a slide show. Watch:

Let me explain: After gathering in a circle, we each made symmetrical and then asymmetrical shapes with our bodies. (Y is a symmetrical, K in not) Then in groups, we made asymmetrical statues .... showed the rest of the group... then made symmetrical statues ... and showed the whole group. Following that, we paired up and shadowed each other. Kind of like a mime. One would make symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns and the partner had to follow.

Thank you Erin and Nicole!


Anonymous said...

Great song - you guys have so much fun. Amber can't wait to go to school in the morning!

Anonymous said...

could these kids be anymore cute!! I love that they do so many fun things.
Keep learning!