Thursday, January 10, 2008

Math Centers

Tuesday and Wednesday we rotated through math centers. Room 8 loves it when we have centers.I tried to get a picture of how we were spread out in the room for centers. Over by the sink, you can see Mrs. W with her Rack-O center. Sitting in the back desks, you can see some of our Independent Center. In the top left of the photo, you can see most of Mrs. T's Tile Math Center...and then last but not least, you can see Amber and Emily from the Adding and Subtracting Decimals center.

We had 4 centers and did two a day. That means it took each student 2 days to get through all 4. In my center, I was teaching adding and subtracting of decimals. For example, how would you set up a problem such as 14.1 - 8.37? We learned that the most important thing to remember when setting up a decimal addition or subtraction problem is to LINE UP THE DECIMALS.
Look how excited we are to be learning about adding and subtracting decimals!

In Mrs. T's center, Room 8 worked on Tile Math. There were two different ones - PEMDAS and something like T-Tables. These are more difficult than you would think!

In Mrs. W's center, we learned a new math game called Rack-o. This is a game of ordering numbers in ascending order. We are loving having and getting to know Mrs. W in Room 8.

Our fourth center was an independent center. (no adult) In this center, students worked on a math page like the ones we normally have.

I had several students today say to me, "Mrs. Johnston, I just LOVE decimals!"


Anonymous said...

Amber did come home saying she enjoyed decimals...she is having such a great year.

Anonymous said...

did you see me did you see me