Monday, October 20, 2008

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week started today. A group came into Room 8 and talked to the kids about what Red Ribbon Week means and they led them in making some posters. Since 'Red' is part of the name, only red paint was used to make the posters.Ideas were discussed...
within the three different groups...

Once the plans were made, out came the red paint.

Now this poster below proved to be a... well, a problem for someone in Room 8. Seeing as it is a vertical sign, the people helping Room 8ers make posters, thought it would be PERFECT to hang on the door. So, they hung it on the inside of our outside door. It looked great...
Fast forward about a half hour later. I was teaching... was standing at the overhead... when I had one of my now infamous 'hot flashes.' Room 8 knows all about them. As usual, I kept teaching but quickly walked to the outside door to open it and get some cool air. Also as usual, I kept teaching, leaned against the door to push it open, stood there, fanning myself, and then proceeded to walk back in...teaching the whole time. UNTIL...some Room 8ers began to inform me that I had red paint all over by backside. I do mean ALL OVER. We all had a good laugh... I called Ms. R, our principal, gave my distress call, and she came and stayed with Room 8 until recess.

This was my time to drive home, sitting on a plastic bag, and change my clothes.

This time it was Room 8 who quickly figured out that someone needed to take a picture for the blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

teehee (jullian)