Sunday, December 07, 2008

Silent Ball

Silent ball.

We play it in the classroom when it's too wet or too cold to go outside for P.E. Room 8 loves this game. Of course, you have to be silent - or else you're out. When you're out, you just sit down in your chair...Whoa! Look how Wasey caught the ball! Doesn't make any difference, as long as it's caught.You need to make eye-contact with the person you're throwing it to.
Kaia & Spegi


Wesley & Spegi

Shelby, Riley and Nathan are sitting down

Wonder who Shelby threw to? It doesn't look like it was Abby.

Sarah must be thinking of throwing it to Summer.

Whew! Katy was relieved that she caught the ball. We miss Katy since she moved.

Nathan LOVES to play Silent Ball!


Austin is getting ready to throw to either Spegi or Brittany.

Kaia looks ready... as Wasey and Kobe look on.



Sam must have caught the ball funny, because Sarah and Max are laughing.

Vanessa is ready...

Orion has a sparkle in his eye...wonder who he's planning on throwing to?

Silent ball... we usually play with one ball...and after awhile, the 3-second rule goes into effect. At that point, the game becomes something like "hot potato"... Room 8ers start dropping at that point.

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