Sunday, March 08, 2009

Recorder Concert

Friday was our recorder concert. It was exciting to perform for some of our parents and the 3rd- 5th grade classes.
Wesley and Max on the end...

We had an afternoon assembly...
Wesley and Max

We played quite a few songs...
Kacey, Sam, Riley

Mr. R has been teaching us how to read music and play the recorder for the second trimester.
Austin, Kobe, Marseya

Jacob, Vanessa, Ashley, and Kaia. I wonder what in the world Ashley is saying???

Marseya, Jacob, Vanessa

Sam and Riley

Jacob and Vanessa

The group...or part of them!

Kacey and Spegi

Abby and Jacob






I love this photo of Summer!

Mr. R with Sam and Riley

Austin and Kobe


Mr. R telling the group what they're playing next.

Parker, Brittany, and Wasey

Sarah and Summer

The first trimester, we had music classes where we sang and learned to read music. This second trimester, we continued to learn to read music and play the recorder. Unfortunately, for the third trimester, we don't have any music. This is the first year music has been this way. It's all about budget cuts.... budget cuts... and more budget cuts!

It was fun while it lasted!

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