Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

The bags were all hung on the white board with care...
In hopes that cupid would soon be there...

Room 5ers each made a Valentine's bag a while back...and we hung them on the tray of the white board...some have been bringing their Valentines in during the week, but many brought them in today...
It wasn't twins day...but Tamia Ruth and Haley looked like twins to us!
The morning was the time to fill those bags...
Jade, Jennifer, Haley

We spent the entire morning listening to science fair project presentations, and then after was time for our Valentine's party...

Room 5 was excited...

Some of our parents brought in some delicious treats...that came first. While everyone was eating, I passed out their bags. How fun it was to look through and read them all...and eat a bit of candy too!
Stephanie and Taryn
Alex T., Grace, and Emilee
Russell and Alex F
Tamia Ruth and Jessica
Maiya, Ariel, and Octavia
Jesse and Art
Jacob and Meigan
Kamryn with her shiner!
Nathaniel and Brandon
Meigan...who told me she had had enough pictures...
What a friend! After Meigan said "no more" pictures, her buddy, Mackenzie covered her eyes while I continued to snap away!

Thank you, Mackenzie!

Happy Valentines to Room 5~

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