Wednesday, October 08, 2014


 Room 17 learned a new way to practice their multiplication facts.
 Shoot-Out takes 3 people...
 The caller deals each of the other two players a card, and those players put it on their forehead.
 The caller then calls out the product of the two cards.
 Each player looks at the other person's card to try to figure out what card is on their own head.
 For example:  If Jace above as an 8, and Xander, below, has a 6, their caller would say "48".  Jace knowing Xander had a 6 would hopefully figure out he had an 8 since 6 x 8 = 48.

 Shoot-Out was definitely a big hit in Room 17.  It's such a great game, too.  Each of the 3 players are really practicing their facts.  The caller practices by just seeing the two factors and calling out the product.  The other two are seeing one factor and the product, figuring out the other factor. 

 This is Mrs. P...our incredible student teacher for this semester! 
This is Quinn...he's a college student and is a student teacher in special education.  He comes into our classroom twice a day to help our students.  He's great!

I think at least one person has asked me every day when we're going to 'play that game with the cards' again.  It's so much fun, you just don't realize all the memorization that's going on at the same time!


Anonymous said...

Brook is rocking that card on her head!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

you look like you having FUN

Anonymous said...

I have never played that before.
