Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Halloween Party

 Room 17 had a Halloween Party!
 After lunch, as our super-moms were setting everything up,
we were looking again at the SCARY VEGETABLES...
 Blaine and Brooke's mom spear-headed our party,
organizing it,
sending out emails to parents who also volunteered to help!
 Maison's mom
and Jace's step-mom
both were able to come in, too.
 We had caramel apples...
 that we got to decorate...

 and then eat, of course!




 After we had decorated...and eaten...our caramel apples, we had a game!  Maison called people up and you could stick your hand through the tissue paper on one of the cups to get a prize inside!  There were 3 special necklaces...and some included a piece of paper that let you select a new pencil!

 At 2:30, our school parade started.
Before it got to our room, we definitely needed a class picture!

Thank you so much to all our parents who helped make our party possible!

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Anonymous said...

