Monday, August 27, 2007

The first day of a new year!

Thirty precious 8, 9, and 10 year olds walked into Room 8 this morning. The first day of school is such an exciting day. This one did not disappoint! The desks were stacked with supplies - textbooks, folders, crayons, a pencil. There was time to look through them and arrange them in the desks. Some students tried to fit their large binders in the desks WITH all the books - didn't work.

Our new principal, Ms. R., came in to introduce herself and taught us a song. I think we need to call this 'in progress.' We didn't quite get all of it, but we will! You can hear us - and Ms. R., singing it here.

A few other photographs taken today when we were singing:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New at all this blogging but I totally enjoyed the singing and will share this with my child...your student. Thanks Barbara