Thursday, December 11, 2008

How do you clean up an oil spill?

Today, Room 8 did an experiment on cleaning up an oil spill. We followed the steps of the scientific process (purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, conclusion) while trying to clean up oil.

We put 1/8 cup of motor oil in a pan with 32 ml of water. Then we had various things to try to clean up the oil: spoons (both plastic and metal), foil, paper towels, cotton balls, and liquid detergent. We had two pans of the experiment going at the same time, so I believe each Room 8er was able to try something to clean. Ask your Room 8er what worked the best.

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I sent home a packet of information about our science fair. Please, if you haven't already, return the half sheet of paper that was stapled to the top of the packet. This just lets me know you have seen the packet and are aware that your child needs to do a project.

Don't worry now if you spill a little oil... or a lot. We know what to do!


Anonymous said...

the oil spill project was a lot of fun Mrs.j. rock

baseball star said...

Hi, Miss j this is wesley i couldnt figure out 1 shoe

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys. I miss you so much.


Anonymous said...

Max-1 miss henning 2 nathan 3 sarah 4 abby 5 kobe 6 wasey 7 kasey 8 kaia 9 mrs. j 10 kirin 11 parker 12 vanessa 13 ashley


Anonymous said...

Max-1 miss henning 2 nathan 3 sarah 4 abby 5 kobe 6 wasey 7 kasey 8 kaia 9 mrs. j 10 kirin 11 parker 12 vanessa 13 ashley


Anonymous said...

Hi Katy we miss you so much Summer