Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Learning about the equator

What imaginary line divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres?
Wesley knows...
You could ask Shane... he would tell you...
or even Summer. Look how hard she's concentrating.
Trever was sitting back, observing the work he had just done.
If you really want to know the name of this imaginary line, just ask Vanessa...
Wasey is a great listener, so you could also ask her...
Nathan was hard at work coloring the land in the northern hemisphere...
Nicole could tell you what the word 'hemisphere' means...
or if she had a momentary lapse in memory, I bet Orion could tell you.
Rocky was careful to spell 'hemisphere' correctly on his paper.
Sam was being careful to do exactly what the directions said...
Joel didn't want to make any mistakes on his first geography paper.
Of course, Kacey didn't want to make any errors either.
Kaia could spell the name of this imaginary line...
Actually, I bet Katy could spell it too.
Marseya was so very careful...
Abby just loved learning something new. Look at that smile!
Austin J had no time for a smile for his blogging teacher, no siree, he was hard at work!
Austin V was also thinking pretty hard.
Look at Danny! See the intense look of concentration on his face?
Hailey doesn't have that intense look, but she is showing how much fun she is having learning all about that line called the....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go equator~vanessa