Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meet Caryn

Caryn... all of Room 8 will come to absolutely adore her, I am sure!

Caryn is a former Room 8er, as was her sister before her, Chanel. This year, Caryn is a SENIOR in high school - which I can hardly believe! - and she is taking a class called 'Elementary Aide.'
What this means, is that for her 4th period class, I am her teacher. However, what she does, is drive to our school and work in Room 8. I've had a lot of 'Elementary Aides' through the years, and it is such a bonus to everyone. I'm sure Caryn will love it...and Room 8 will love it... and I will be so very grateful and also absolutely love it!

Meet Caryn!


Anonymous said...

shes awesome!

Anonymous said...

I missed you and im glad im back. I love football but my teacher rocks and so does my classmates.