Friday, August 29, 2008


Here's Max. Max is a wealth of knowledge...he actually sat with me for a lot of today's Friday Silent Reading to ask me questions from .... um? I think it was a book on records. For example, he asked me, "What country drinks the most soda?" I guessed correctly. (The United States)

Max wasn't originally suppose to share his bag today... Austin J was. Yesterday, when I was reminding Room 8 of their homework and called off both the Austins' names for bag sharing, Austin J remembered he wasn't going to be at school today. Max quickly volunteered to switch days with him. Max was ready!

He loves baseball... and the bat in the picture above is actually not even his - it's Sam's...and it's lighter than Max's wooden bat.

Max also likes to draw, illustrated by this picture he shared. He also likes to collect erasers, showing us an eraser that he found on the ground. He also loves to read, especially enjoying the book called 'Gregor the Overlander.'
Now Max has been carrying around this pin... he had told me what it was, but I still wasn't sure. Max does a form of martial arts, and that's what this pin is from. When he held it up to show Room 8, he said, "I think it's a little too small for a picture, Mrs. J."

"Rats!" was my reply.

But, never fear... Max had a solution to being able to see it through the camera:
I love it! I told the class my mom would say, "That's using your head for something besides a hat rack!"

Max also had a small little blue case that he said was the carrier for his Nintendo DS games. Now, I had no earthly idea what this was. This prompted a big discussion in Room 8 on all the games these kids have. I was surprised. There are Nintendo DS, PSP, Wii, Playstation 1, 2, and 3, X Box, X Box 360, Game Cube, ... they even informed me the prices of them all.

My question was: What's the difference...and why do you pick the ones you do? Max told me the main difference was the size, the controls, and the kind of games.

Thanks, Max!

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