Sunday, November 04, 2012

The skits

 When our skits started, I tried to film them...but it didn't work with my camera...just too dark.  I was hoping you would at least be able to hear it...but that didn't work very well either.  Finally, I tried using my flash, which is something I very rarely do...and it worked enough to show the last 3 skits.  So sorry for the first two!

This is the Wapiti cabin...with their skit on hunting elk.  It was classic!  We all laughed...
 especially when Hunter held up his 'elk' to take a picture of it! another name for the Roosevelt Elk...
so it was a fitting skit for this cabin of boys!
 The Peregrines sang a song for us... some forgot their lines the first time, so they wanted to go again.
 They did...and we all loved hearing and watching the Peregrines!
 Next, our parents put on a skit for us...they had to get their 'stage' ready...and have a dry spot for their worm to lay.
Worm in place?  check...  actors ready?  check...
 The worm...............
The Marbled Murrelet (James) came to visit the Peregrine Falcon (Sara)...
What did the Murrelet want?  The Falcon was resting on the tree (John)...
 The worm was quiet and still....
 The Marbled Murrelet found a Coho Salmon...who was no help either...

The elk (Matthew) was there in all his glory....

The Murrelet continued to go from animal to animal...
The worm was getting anxious...
starting to move...trying to get away...

Oh dear...the Murrelet is actually a 'she'...and something is happening...
An egg...the marbled murrelet laid an egg!!! 
After our hilarious campfire, we returned to the lodge to play some games and have some brownies...
Angry Birds was one of the games we played...actually everyone was spread around the lodge playing different games and just hanging out...

It started to rain a little, more of a sprinkle, but it was time for bed... 

What a great day this was...beautiful weather, great field studies, super friends, and good food...and a fun, fun time around the campfire!


Anonymous said...

angry birds game is good

Anonymous said...

love the pajama
