Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sharks and Minnows.. or ... "PARTY HAT!"

 One day when I was on recess duty,
I noticed a lot of my guys playing this game.
Every once in a while, they'd quickly get down on one knee and put their hands on top of their head in a triangle.
 What in the world are they doing?  I asked another teacher.
 She didn't know either but she told me she had noticed this game at other times.
 We started watching closer...

 I was fascinated...
 so many students were playing,
it was totally kid-organized,
and everyone seemed to know the rules...
and were following them!
 Today when it was time for PE,
I asked Cole and Ramiro to lead us in this game,
 to explain the rules to the class...
 They did a great job of explaining...
 and asking if anyone had any questions...
 and then the game began!
 I watched in fascination...
 I think I sort of 'get it' now...

 but not well enough to explain it to teach a group of kids to play...

I've heard of 'Sharks and Minnows' before,
but it definitely wasn't played like this!
I'm wondering who thought this game up?

Is it called "Sharks and Minnows"
"Party Hat"
"Sharks and Minnows Party Hat"???

It's fun, whatever the name is!

As you can probably tell from these pics, Room 17 was having a blast playing!

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