Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Candidates!

Blaine and Brooke 
 We have a Student Council at our school.
The fifth graders hold the offices ...
President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Each of the classrooms has a representative that attends the meetings
and is our 'voice' to the council. 

Today, most of the students who have chosen to run as our rep, 
started their speeches.
Some also made campaign posters!

 Some had notes, some just went from memory, or straight from their heart.

 It was wonderful to see so many of them get up in front of the class
with a campaign speech.  Some were short, some were longer,
but they were all wonderful!


We had our last two speeches today (Friday).  By secret ballot, we voted.  
Congratulations to COLE, who won our vote to be our representative.  
In case he's sick or unable to attend the meetings, Patrice will be our alternate!
Monday, Cole, along with the ones from the other classrooms, will attend a 5th grade assembly to listen to 5th graders' speeches for the offices.
Cole will have a vote in who is voted in as officers.

I'm proud of each one of you! 

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