Friday, October 26, 2007

Missing Room 8

I told you yesterday that usually teachers come to school when they're sick. Why? Because it's just too difficult to write plans for a substitute when you're not feeling well.

Last night, I started feeling so much worse that there was no way I could come. My temperature went up over 100...just feeling yucky. So I came upstairs and typed out plans, knowing you would be in good hands with Miss C...and I requested Mr. C (no relation) as a sub.

I talked to Dorothy a little while ago and she said, Yes, Mr. C came.These two photos were taken on the last day of school for 2006 - Mr. C's last day to teach before he retired. See those plaid pants? Well, he wore them the first year he taught - over 30 years ago. None of us could even believe he could still fit into them!

I hope you're having a fun day....

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