Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Best Reader Alouder...please excuse our English, but this is a true title

Meet Courtney.

Courtney has been reading to Room 8 for... well, we can't remember. It's been about 8 or 9 years at least! How's that for dedication? Every week, Courtney comes in for about a half hour and reads...and we are mesmerized.

I termed the phrase 'the best reader alouder' because of the fact that as a child, books weren't read to me. Because of that, I've always had a difficult time focusing on someone reading outloud.

Enter Courtney.

When she first came to be a part of Room 8, I realized I was captivated when she read... and then I realized why. She reads so well. Thus, the term - 'the best reader alouder.'

Room 8 had the pleasure of meeting Courtney on Tuesday. Some already knew her from our local bookstore. Room 8 is extremely fortunate to have Courtney come.
She is starting the year reading The Hoboken Chicken Emergency. Oh my, it is funny! There is this giant chicken...

In other reading news, Room 8 is also hearing Running Out of Time, by Margaret Peterson Haddix. This is also a great book. Jessie, the main character, has just found out that she does NOT live in 1850 - that it's actually 1996. She and her family have been living in an historic preserve - like a living museum, except the children thought it was all authentic. Diptheria begins to invade the village, and Jessie's mom sends her out into 1996 to try and get some 'modern medicine' to heal the sick. Jessie has no idea what a zipper, car, telephone, or toilet is.

I've been reading this book to Room 8 for 10 years and it has always been a favorite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have Amber's attention. You brought Running out of time to life. She has been telling me all about this story.