Friday, October 26, 2007

Writing with Miss C

Miss C has started leading Room 8 through writing a story. They had two choices - a narrative or realistic fiction. After we learned what each of those were, we brainstormed some possible topics for each genre.

Once each Room 8er decided what they were going to write about, we thought what would basically happen in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the story. Next, we listed facts for the beginning, put them in order, and started writing our first paragraph.
Look at Miss C racing around the room to try to help as many Room 8ers as she can!
Miss C helps Devin come up with a great opening sentence.

It's always nice to get some feedback from our classmates, so once our first paragraph was written, we shared what we had written with a partner.
Carlo and Mae share their opening paragraphs.
Kamren and Edin share their opening paragraphs.

Miss C enjoys making books, so her plan is for us to publish these stories when they're finished!

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