Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween, a festive time in Room 8

Like we say about Room 8 - We work hard, but we like to party hard too!

That's what we did today, thanks to AMY! She single-handedly put a party - a VERY FESTIVE party - together for Room 8. Others contributed - Jacob and his mom brought party bags for everyone, Danielle and her mom brought some too, Casey J brought SHARK CUPCAKES, Austin and his mom brought pumpkin cookies, and Kamren's grandma made .... well, fingers. Look:

Not only were they ... well, rather gross looking ... worms and all, but of course, it IS Halloween, but they were .... DELICIOUS! Yep, gross looking and delicious. Thank you, Grandma!

Room 8 looked like Amy had worked on it for hours - we had a giant ghosts coming out of a pumpkin; we had a fog machine giving a rather eerie feel; decorations hanging from the door; on the white board; a huge spider hanging on our overhead; decorations on both doors; and then THE FEAST...

Take a look at the chocolate fountain! Amy used white chocolate...and it was SO GOOD on the sliced bananas, strawberries, ginger, pound cake, apple slices, and pretzels. YUM!

You may notice that this isn't just a regular ole fountain...nope, it's got a SKULL on top of it!

Now I need to post some photos of Room 8ers, because they are, see for yourself:

Here's our shark... Casey J
Austin and a very happy, Kyle A............
Casey O is a bride...she didn't know who the groom was.
Emma and Casey O...

Danielle was also a bride, but I forgot to ask who the groom was.
Look at Mary and Mae. I couldn't decide which one to put on the blog, so I just quit arguing with myself and put both of them on.
Geez, Carlo, what beautiful hands you have!
Um? Wonder who this scary creature is? Could it be Trevor?
Here's Dillon and Trevor - wait, if this is Trevor, is that also him in the photo before this one?

Dillon, the boxer man...

Bewitched...I mean, Emily.

I do believe this is Jacob hanging out with the Boxer.
You may not be able to tell from this shot, but Macey was a PINK MUMMY!

Oh Shawna, what a beautiful crown you have on!
Michael...I think this should be framed! I love this picture of him!

Miss photogenic herself, Amber!
Ah! And here is Kamren....
Here's our 2007 version of Wilma Flintstone...aka Devin!

Now at the end of a fun day at school, wouldn't you love for this lady...ahem, be your bus driver?


Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't do it single handedly. Elisha brought drinks and if it wasn't for Rhonda and Ms.Cunningham to help me clean up things wouldn't have gone so smoothly. Thanks to all the room 8ers. I had fun throwing you the party. You all used such great manners that I am looking forward to the next party I get to be involved in.
I hope you all had fun trick or treating.
p.s. thanks to Mrs. Johnston for letting us have the party.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much to Amy and the rest of the helpers, I so appreciate all you do for our kids. Mary told me all about the party, said it was great. I also want to thank Mrs. J for having this awesome web site. Thanks to you all...JR

Judy said...

Thank you for the comments! I love to read them and know that others are reading this blog...and Room 8ers are always looking to see if there are comments about them...

We're looking forward to another party in December...unless, of course, we think of an occasion to celebrate before then!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to give another shout out to Loriann, who let me borrow the choco-skull fountain. Halloween is LA's favorite holiday.
Thanks LA.

Anonymous said...

I wanna be in fourth grade again.