Saturday, September 12, 2015

Meet Isa!

 Meet Isa!
She started sharing her bag by showing us this pink cookbook!
When she was younger, she and her sister used to cook together,
but now she's more independent.
 She showed us this photo of her soccer team.
They used to be called the "Orange Crush"
but now they're called "the Steelheads"
Isa told us she loves soccer!
 This bracelet was in her bag.
She told us she wears it everyday.
It's in her bag for two reasons:
1) because she loves art
2)because of her religion
She told us she was Hebrew and that she went to church every Sunday
This cellphone was in her bag because she loves technology.
She said she even fixed her sister's iPad!

Isa also had her number that she wore in a local race.  
She and her mom ran the race together.
Isa was 4th place in her age bracket!

We talked in Room 17 about why I didn't take a picture of Isa's number.
It had the name of the race on it...and I reminded them that I don't put any identifying information on this blog. 

Isa, we loved learning more about you!

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