Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meet Lala!

 Meet Lala!.
By the way, you may want to grab something to drink...maybe a read this.  Lala had an incredible amount to share.  I compared her bag to Mary Poppin's know the one that just had items that kept coming out?

Lala started with this puppy.  She told us she  loves dogs...and she loves Build-a-Bear.

 See this pink spot?  
When she was little, she wanted to dye the dogs hair and so she did it with lip gloss.
It won't come out, even in the washing machine.

 This book, is her favorite book.  It also has one of her nicknames "Wiz Pot."
She got the book at St. John's...which is an island next to St. Thomas.
 "Next, I brought this cute little owl.  I love purple and I love blue and I love owls!"
She told us she named it 'Violet Oscar Owl.'
 These earrings represent her sister who loves jewelry, especially earrings.
 This is Princess Rubber Ducky.
Lala has a collection of rubber duckies!
 This tennis shoe was in her bag because she loves tennis shoes, loves tying, and loves Build-a-Bear.
 "Can anyone guess what this pink stuff is?"
There were quite a few answers...none of which were correct.
She told us it was kind of like sunblock.  You put it on your a shape or you can write something.  Then you go out in the sun.  When you come in and take it off, and it leaves the design.
 This is a glass cat that Lala named 'Chip'.  She gave the cat that name because she doesn't have all her ear.  She got it in Colorado at ARC, a thrift store her dad likes.
 This notebook was in her bag because she likes sparkles, wolves and the nickname her twin sister gave her.
 This represents that she likes hair bands and magic cards.  
She doesn't do magic, though.
 This drawing was in her bag because she loves to draw.  She pointed out the cat and flowers...and she told us she loves cats and flowers!
 When she finished showing it to us, she re-folded it, and said she had made it for me!  I love it!!

 She showed us this badge and said that when she moved here, she didn't know anything about Smokey the Bear.
 This is a little barnacle.  
It came from Florida from her grandma.
 This was actually broken off of something.  Lala told us it's a bomb from "Love Hurts."
She it represents that she likes really cute things.
A Room 17er asked, "How is that cute?"
 A hair net was in her bag because she doesn't like to get her hair wet, except when she washes it!
 This is a mini LPS.  
LPS stands for Littlest Pet Shop.  She got this at Walmart.
 This is oven baked clay.  You can make it from water, salt, and flour.  You can also add color.  She made this little doughnut out of it.
 This is an undead horse from Minecraft.  She said she named the horse 'Guacamole."  She als loves Minecraft, but not on the computer!
 This represents her step-sister, Charlotte.  Charlotte calls it an Emerald Staff.
 Lala had a Starburst wrapper in her bag because it 'represents that I loooovvvvvee candy!'
 This is a sewing kit.  She loves the colors, loves sewing, and loves buttons!
 She showed us a photograph of her and her mom wearing makeup.  This was in Colorado in her apartment, but she doesn't live there anymore. 
This last photo is Lala when she was either 5, 6, or 7.  She's with her old dog, but they had to give him away.  

Wow, Lala!  You had so much to share...and we enjoyed it!

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